Much as I love Chelsea's idea, aside from the issues of bias from the respective fandoms, is also the overlap. There are a fair share of users like myself, JJ, Chelsea who peruse the various forums with regularity. How would we fix this? One vote per person, perhaps? Even then, we run into Chris' very real problem of the number of people/small sample size.
With specific respect to my page, not sure a whole ton of folks could name 25. Yeah, we've got fans of the genre, but it's because transforming more into a show guide/advice/support page, oftentimes by new members who are awesome folks, but don't care about shows that aired 30 years ago, aside from maybe something PYL. Furthermore, it's more than likely known by these folks the phrase of 'Big bucks/no whammies!' is somewhat colloquial, forget Larson, let alone Randy, Jenny, etc.
Would've voted in this, but found it like 5 hours before closing, and personally needed more time than that. Should be said, despite my page's show, Jeopardy! would be my #1, with Pyramid and Password as a close #2 and #3. After all, like many here, I prefer the genre on the whole to a specific show.
When Golden-Road did their arm of the best pricing games ever list, I doubt they wanted our votes folded in, because as game show fans first and not Price fans first, we'd vote for more "mainstream" games vs. their community.
As someone who admins GR these (yeah, yeah, trying to fix those issues) I honestly really appreciated the input here for voting, just to see what each site looks for, values, in a compare/contrast sort of way for psychoanalysis. It also let me know how people view the individual games as somewhat mini game shows on their own (this forum) and how they worked within the schema and history of Price (Golden-Road). So long as they're well-supported reasons, it's fascinating to me why people picked what they did.