It was a food question: what was Gandhi's last meal before becoming Enlightened.
/unless he meant hubris or greed. I don't know because I wasn't privy to it.
"Well documented" hubris I believe was the phrasing. (Which wasn't originated by Chris L for the record)
It was at that moment I became grateful for the guys in post production. Five minutes of trying to talk yourself out of making a $19,000 gamble despite the gnawing feeling in your mind is not good television.

Seriously though, I know I'm looking like I'm stealing a lot of thunder from the original article and its author but I get where she's coming from to a certain point. And so do a lot of us who've gone through said process. I'm just a little more vocal is all.
(plus I kinda have been on the other side regarding my story about a certain young lady from Jeopardy's I a hypocrite? Perhaps)