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Author Topic: Best Win Cue  (Read 11518 times)


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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2017, 11:51:29 AM »
TPIR with the 'Whoop Whoop Whoop', 'clang clang clang' all going at the same time, with the theme of course.

Early 80s DSWs were one of my favorites.  They did an extended Whoop Whoop Clang through the credit roll along with a light cycle along the backdrop.


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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2017, 09:51:07 PM »
I'm going with "Super Password". Simple seven-note cue that led finished with a crescendo for style.

And it was even better when the win was unexpected from an early puzzle solve.

Side Question: Can contestants hear most of these music cues while playing the game on stage?


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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2017, 08:03:32 AM »

$10,000 - $50,000 Pyramid, when it sounded good. Most times it was too 'tinny' or muffled. Almost sounded like it was coming off a telephone or something. I never understood why it sounded so bad. The "win" ding wasn't all too impressive to me. Sounded more like a weak bicycle bell. Goodson shows seemed to have better sound effects I thought.

Many, if not all, of Bob Stewart's productions back in the 70's relied on that "call bell" (a.k.a. "tap bell") sound. 


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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2017, 09:00:07 PM »
It's too bad we haven't gotten to hear the new million dollar winner cue on Millionaire yet but I think, with the new musical package, it's better than the old one.

Here you go:

Kevin Prather

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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2017, 04:48:20 PM »
It's too bad we haven't gotten to hear the new million dollar winner cue on Millionaire yet but I think, with the new musical package, it's better than the old one.

Here you go:

I think what Chris meant was that we haven't heard the cue in action yet, accompanying a million dollar winner. That's the moment we'll know for sure whether or not it's a good cue.

Myself, just from hearing it in the soundtrack, I don't care for it. I think it's pretty generic and boring, but maybe I'll change my mind when I hear it in its proper setting.


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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2017, 06:10:06 PM »
Myself, just from hearing it in the soundtrack, I don't care for it. I think it's pretty generic and boring, but maybe I'll change my mind when I hear it in its proper setting.
They've used it in ads for the show. I agree that it's not great and certainly doesn't accompany a win as well as the original one did, given the crescendo at the beginning.
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Kevin Prather

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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2017, 06:18:12 PM »
Myself, just from hearing it in the soundtrack, I don't care for it. I think it's pretty generic and boring, but maybe I'll change my mind when I hear it in its proper setting.
They've used it in ads for the show. I agree that it's not great and certainly doesn't accompany a win as well as the original one did, given the crescendo at the beginning.

They've used it as a commercial bumper as well, and it works well as that. I think the issue with it for me is this, and I'm probably not choosing very good words to describe it: The cue consists of moments of "hooks" separated my moments of "vamping". Compare it to the original cue, which was all hook.


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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2017, 07:10:10 PM »
Myself, just from hearing it in the soundtrack, I don't care for it. I think it's pretty generic and boring, but maybe I'll change my mind when I hear it in its proper setting.
I found it very boring, much like the actual theme itself. When I hear the original win cue, either by itself or on the show, it felt majestic. When I hear the current cue, I don't get any sense of urgency. I've heard more exciting win cues when a contestant won $10,000 or a Chevrolet Chevette.
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Re: Best Win Cue
« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2017, 04:43:51 AM »
The Millionaire cue in the current package just sounds like the usual theme with a little extra vamping. The Millionaire cue pre-shuffle had that neat little thing where it goes from a C minor to an F major at the end, with a timpani beat that was about as big of a "Ta-da!!" as you could find.
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