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Author Topic: TPIR doing "to the winner of this one-bid" plugs again?  (Read 11543 times)

Steve Gavazzi

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Re: TPIR doing "to the winner of this one-bid" plugs again?
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2017, 03:40:18 AM »
Sorry for coming in so late here -- I'm absurdly behind on watching Price right now and have been trying to avoid anything potentially spoilerish.

That said...

But I think this comment and the previous one quoted above touch upon what I think is the simpler reason. Steve would likely know specifically where they ran out, but Roger had planned game line-ups & shows through a certain point before he was let go (week 7 or 8?), getting every game scheduled at least once. It was after this point that some stuff was never played again (Credit Card, Make Your Mark), or dropped off for the rest of the season (Take Two was only played twice, Triple Play & Step Up only got one playing that year, 3 Strikes had three appearances with different rules, etc.)

Roger had planned out the lineups for the first seven weeks of the season.  I remember a few of the later ones got changed around a bit -- one specifically because it had Barker's Bargain Bar in it and they'd pulled that game from the rotation by the time they taped the episode -- but for the most part, they made it to air unaltered.  Beyond that, I don't remember much of anything specific, although I think various things like specifically-scheduled prizes, planned showcases, and IUFB grocery sponsors all started tapering off at different times simply because Roger had gotten to different points with scheduling all of them before he got fired.