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Author Topic: GSN 2017 Upfronts  (Read 8453 times)


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GSN 2017 Upfronts
« on: March 14, 2017, 03:18:31 PM »
The Futon Critic has a GSN press release showing, among other things, the network has licensed Hollywood Game Night in addition to Cash Cab, the name of their new studio show is Emogenius, Winsanity will be revamped for a season 2, and the development slate includes the UK game Pointless.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck

Matt Ottinger

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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2017, 03:50:48 PM »
the name of their new studio show is Emogenius

I had heard from multiple sources that they were finding it challenging to come up with the perfect name for their Emoji-based game show.

They appear to have given up.
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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2017, 03:59:12 PM »
the name of their new studio show is Emogenius
I saw this quote without context and figured they were trying to resurrect Emo Phillips' career.


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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2017, 04:02:09 PM »
So it's not about really smart but moody, and possibly androgynous teenagers? Damn.
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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2017, 04:33:01 PM »
I can't wait to see how they butcher Pointless given The Chase and Divided.
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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2017, 04:38:19 PM »

For extra fun, try saying it out loud -- not as "emo genius," the way it looks like it should be pronounced, but as a reflection of the game's content. It comes out something like "emoji-nyuss." It makes me wonder which way they'll say it on the actual show.


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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2017, 04:57:00 PM »

For extra fun, try saying it out loud -- not as "emo genius," the way it looks like it should be pronounced, but as a reflection of the game's content. It comes out something like "emoji-nyuss." It makes me wonder which way they'll say it on the actual show.

Emogenius like 'homogeneous.'
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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2017, 07:53:48 PM »
Shouldn't the title of the show be in emoji anyway?

Or maybe they could use punctuation like &$*&@*%&*)&%*)^* &$*()&^ My Dad Says, at least.
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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2017, 04:00:44 PM »
Shouldn't the title of the show be in emoji anyway?

This wouldn't be too hard, right? Just make the o the emoji of your choice, possibly alternating, with perhaps a heart emoji over the i's tittle.

Honestly, I'm strangely excited for this show, given some of the good folks doing work on it, seems at least somewhat a novel concept that is modern and relatable to a 2017 audience. More than you can say about Candy Crush, in either respect.

That said, the grand risk/reward has to be Pointless, as a devout watcher of the UK's adaptation. I think it will be solid enough, but do share Travis' concern on a number of levels, given my personal experiences with the stateside Chase and Divided's unnecessary elimination round.
In Chase's case, there were too many forced humor questions, that lacked originality as they rooted from answers, often not relating to the question, where ITV gets this right and ties it into the question. Brooke repeating literally every question/answer upon its reveal was eye gouging for its monotony, much as she did a very solid job with the Cash Builders and Final Chases. I swear, the next time I hear a reveal along the lines of "IF Ice Station Zebra WAS the movie Howard Hughes watched ON LOOP, on his deathbed, you'll go through with thirty-FIVE thousand dollars. The corr-ect answer is...", it will be one time too many. It also bothered me Mark was never called Mark when it came to gameplay, only The Beast or Beastie Boy. Both of which I have no issue with, but should not be the only terms of reference. Furthermore, often heavy spoilers were found in bumpers going to commercial break for no reason at all, taking away from my enjoyment of the show down the line. Given the show's title, never truly understood why there was no chaser, as Labbett by credits was only referred to as The Beast, never Chaser., although that's a bit semantical by language. Still would like to know why we couldn't have had at least one other, like a J! champ? On a more nitpicky element that very few folks care about, if any beyond me, the cues had no flow to the overall game. This was a money licensing issue from Farrer, sure, I get it, and it's clearly the least of concerns I had.

That aside, Given GSN needs to work in ad breaks for Pointless, should that go anywhere, I have a few speculations (and they're only that) with respect to differences. First and foremost, starting with three teams instead of four, as seen with Chase. Like Chase, I ascertain this mid-afternoon concept probably becomes/shifts to a primetime affair. Additionally, would be very surprised if they did a progressive jackpot, given GSN's dislike of tying episodes together, be it with return champs or otherwise, as it makes rerun airing a touch more complicated. Rather, I postulate something like a flat $25,000 for a pointless answer in the Pointless Final will be standard, with maybe a grand added to the kitty for each pointless answer said elsewhere.

Barring something that outright tarnishes gameplay, as Chase did a very solid job of keeping core gameplay in tact (unlike Divided), I have genuinely very strong interest in applying for Pointless. This is my kind of show right here!
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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2017, 01:12:38 AM »
My concern about Pointless isn't so much about the game play--the game play is so simple that they could do just about anything that launches from "we gave 100 people 100 seconds to name/answer these questions". My concern is that the British sensibilities of how game shows are done is not coming over here. (I do think Mike Richards is coming into his own as host of Divided though the format is still stupid and dumb.)

I remember one episode back when the head to head question had a few answers rather than five questions, and it was Official Languages at the United Nations. After revealing the answers and talking to Alexander Richard deadpans "If Germany had won the war a whole lot more people would be speaking German," and the crowd gasps. Richard says "Too soon?" and everyone has a laugh.

Or the episode where no one can name a U2 song so the scores are 200-200-200-200. And so on. Given that cable game shows are going for forty episodes that all look the same I think stuff like that would be frowned upon or dismissed entirely, in favor of lost of audience reactions and five-hours to tape an hour show. There's the whole thing about winning the game but no money if you don't win in the Pointless Final, but that could be dealt with.
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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2017, 01:25:25 PM »
There's the whole thing about winning the game but no money if you don't win in the Pointless Final, but that could be dealt with.

Dealt with? This is GSN, home of The Chase and Divided. Episodes in which nobody wins anything are practically to be expected.


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Re: GSN 2017 Upfronts
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2017, 11:24:23 PM »
Dealt with? This is GSN, home of The Chase and Divided. Episodes in which nobody wins anything are practically to be expected.
The difference is that if you win $0 on The Chase it's because you lost, and on Divided if you're splitting $144, it's because you were playing with the blocks when your kindergarten teacher was explaining the concept of sharing. (And Idiotest has lots of teams who win a final prize total in the hundreds, too.)

My guess is that the winners would win $1,000 and play the Pointless Final to increase that to $10,000. My hope is that they realize the show has to be an hour long otherwise after player introductions it's time for the head-to-head round.
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