First thing, hire a new art director. New doors, turntable, giant pricetag and Showcase podiums (podia?) immediately.
Then bag the Bonus Game for being not as good as the Shell Game. Bring back old Shell Game props. And old Golden Road props, with both turntable-like things and no rainbows until the end.
Keep Bonkers the way it is, and re-do such tacky-looking games as Money Game, Side-by-Side, Take Two and the gold-tone Squeeze Play.
Bag Secret "X," for being a dull, unfair game from the get-go.
Bring back Superball. Bring back Hurdles, starter's pistol or no.
Play "Time Is Money" for straight cash: $10,000 for winning on the first try, $5,000 for winning on the second (because, of course, time is money).
Turn Lucky Seven into Lucky Eight. Re-do the board, while we're at it.
Get rid of Hit Me because if you've seen the game, it's nearly impossible to lose, and if you haven't seen it, it's nearly impossible to sit through. Get rid of "Easy as 1-2-3," because it's the same as "Most Expensive" but harder.
Other than that, give Bob a pat on the back and tell him in my best producer's voice, "Don't change, baby, don't change."