Here's mine:
Make Your Move
10 Chances
Bonus Game
Poker Game
Line 'Em Up
Penny Ante
Bob always managed to build an extra element of suspense into the games that involved several prizes that got bigger and better as they went along (well, that only somewhat applies to Line 'Em Up!

). and I actually prefer the way they currently reveal the prizes in Master Key, although Drew usually just does his uninspired "Welcome-to-the-show-where-ya-from-ah-<repeats name of city>-George-whadda-we-have-for-<contestant's name>?"

I seem to remember an episode in which 10C was played second or third and LEU was played fifth--not long after LEU's reveal was changed to the current one. When the contestant got up on stage to play LEU, Bob told him/her, "Now, *I* have more prizes for *YOU*, beginning with these..." as if to say, "The way I'm introducing this game, you may think we're playing 10 Chances again, but we're really not!"