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Author Topic: "Press Your Luck" question  (Read 9291 times)


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Re: "Press Your Luck" question
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2018, 10:38:41 AM »
The episode with the mulligan round:


"Round Two failed to generate an adequate number of spins to provide for a full length program. Monies were awarded and Round Two was re-taped with the consent of the three contestants."

Rewinding to watch the version of Round Two that aired, Peter seemed to be on a mission to include as many veiled references to the first time through as he can, all of which got a reaction in the studio but would have seemed innocuous to home viewers. Yet another example of his prowess as a host to be able to walk that extremely fine line.
"It's for £50,000. If you want to, you may remove your trousers."

Kevin Prather

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Re: "Press Your Luck" question
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2018, 04:20:14 AM »

"Round Two failed to generate an adequate number of spins to provide for a full length program. Monies were awarded and Round Two was re-taped with the consent of the three contestants."

So the player who originally won got the money, and agreed to risk their coming back the next show, probably in exchange for the chance of scoring a second win on this show. I assume that player would have kept it all had they won twice.

Obviously the two losing contestants didn't have to be asked twice.


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Re: "Press Your Luck" question
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2018, 08:03:07 PM »
So the player who originally won got the money, and agreed to risk their coming back the next show, probably in exchange for the chance of scoring a second win on this show. I assume that player would have kept it all had they won twice.

We're assuming they played the big board at all. They could have given each player some token amount to basically make them ignore the fact the result could have been much different if they played with the original spin counts. Other shows have been vague in cases like this ("due to a technical error, a portion of the second Sprint..." or wronged contestants on TPIR being awarded "the prizes" with no indication of WHICH prizes), so it's possible "Round Two was re-taped" only means the second question round.

IMO, Peter's winking and nodding would have continued into the board portion of the round if they redid everything.

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Otm Shank

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Re: "Press Your Luck" question
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2018, 01:27:38 AM »
But the disclaimer stated "monies were awarded" so it would appear that they did play the second round and paid the "winner" of the game. It's possible that there were a low number of spins (like 2 a piece), and perhaps missed the fair number of +spin spaces, causing the round to come to a swift end with no amount of Peter vamping rescuing that.

But now that you mention it, "monies were awarded" might have been a payment of $1,500 or something representative of an average spin for each spin they had in order to get them to agree to redo the question round. That might be where the "consent of the three contestants" comes into play, as S&P must have insisted that everyone get something in consideration of waiving the rules. A little expensive, but the alternative is scrapping the whole episode and having to pay the winning contestant anyway (legally, they could probably get around that for an unaired show, but not worth the risk). Also, there's additional crew time to pay for, but it would be much less than shooting a replacement episode either that day or at a future date.

Certainly would be interesting to see the outtake of that, but I would assume that has been lost into the ether since it hasn't shown up already.

Mr. Armadillo

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Re: "Press Your Luck" question
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2018, 12:32:20 AM »
It's also possible the game ended in triple-zero's.  Two of the players had nothing going into the round, and if they only had a couple spins between them, it's definitely possible nobody got off the ground. 

If they're coming back anyway, might as well just finish the game they've already started.