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Author Topic: Who holds the rights to the Ralph Andrews library?  (Read 2486 times)


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Who holds the rights to the Ralph Andrews library?
« on: August 10, 2018, 09:59:05 AM »
Re-watching the Game Show Throwdown/TCONA version of You Don't Say '75 has got me wondering what hoops would have to be gone through to stage such a revival. It's a nifty game that could stand on its own two feet in this day and age, as is the original 60s format, but I can't figure out for the life of me the fate of the rights of the Andrews library.

I know Mark Phillips did It Takes Two '97 and I think he had his hands in the Liar's Club pilot with Ed McMahon made around that time too. Did the rights stay with him or have they fallen through the cracks in the last two decades?

/After seeing Bob Boden's game play, I would laugh if the rights ended up in the hands of Entertainment Studios' hands.
//You know, as a "companion" to Funny You Should Ask.


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Re: Who holds the rights to the Ralph Andrews library?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2018, 02:07:01 PM »
I was initially dubious as I love the earlier version but getting to play sealed the deal. My only issue is to put a ten or fifteen second time limit on clues. And also if you claim one location as your heritage because it helps get your point across you aren't allowed to choose another for the rest of the day--you have to ride that pony all the way back to the barn.

Having watched an episode of It Takes Two last night I think I would leave that aside and pursue the rights for Wits & Wagers. Any charm derived from the demonstrations was sapped when it was time for the Brain Teaser.
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Re: Who holds the rights to the Ralph Andrews library?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2018, 06:18:08 PM »
Years ago, in the wake of Millionaire mania, representatives of both Burt Sugarman and Ralph Andrews contacted me, both trying to get ahold of the other, to discuss reviving Celebrity Sweepstakes (after seeing my web site).  Obviously that didn't go anywhere, but it makes me think Andrews' estate might still have the rights to his shows.