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Author Topic: Pauley Perrette disses Harvey "Feud" for not being family friendly (Link)  (Read 7087 times)


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  • Posts: 27735
  • Director of Suck Consolidation
Turns out it's listed on Urban Dictionary and has been since 2013...and honestly, I'm not surprised at that.

I'd bet a nickel that's precisely where the Feud people go to find these "whimsical" euphemisms, and literally anyone (even you, Zach!) can publish in it. I'm sure there was at least one neckbearded incel sitting at home on a Friday night thinking up wacky names for condoms.

/the Phorum Phallic Pheud challenge: define a new phrase named for a Forum regular in UD and convince Feud to use it in a question
//"Lil' Lemon" is my nephew, so don't even try it
///double points if it shows up at #3, like this slashy
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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  • Posts: 18726
Turns out it's listed on Urban Dictionary and has been since 2013...and honestly, I'm not surprised at that.

I'd bet a nickel that's precisely where the Feud people go to find these "whimsical" euphemisms, and literally anyone (even you, Zach!) can publish in it. I'm sure there was at least one neckbearded incel sitting at home on a Friday night thinking up wacky names for condoms.
I've looked up a few phrases on UD, and was a bit surprised at how many were not up there. Which means, instead of writing legit survey answers, the writers are possibly doing double duty, going out of their way to write these things.

Furthermore, I now wonder if they're hiring?
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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  • Posts: 4520
And with all the Beavis & Butthead humor they OD on in the main game, the Fast Money Round has been left relatively unscathed.

The only times I'll watch Feud is on my weekday off when it leads into TPIR or on Sunday nights before Pyramid. Either case, I'll tune in when the Fast Money round is underway and I  avoid 95% of the trash.


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  • Posts: 3447
On the last Celebrity FF, they had a question "Name a part of your lover's body that you've nibbled on." One lady gave an answer that was bleeped, and to get bleeped on this version, it has to  be real bad. The answer did not make the survey.

Chuck Sutton

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  • Posts: 469
To it not being on the board.   The player responded, "They don't know what they're missing"


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  • Posts: 311
That's why I liked Combs Feud. The questions were wholesome and he was a great host.

1) Given some of what passed for theme weeks, I wonder how much of that was "wholesomeness" and how much was "Standards and Practices actually had teeth then".

2) With regards to the last part, I will be charitable and say that this is not an opinion that has consensus behind it- others might choose not to be so gentle....