Nice. What does that pay on the live show?
Live show plays altered format - 5 IUFB, winner plays pricing game, losers get T-Shirts. 4 new contestants for each IUFB. 1 Showcase Showdown, 3 new contestants. 1 Showcase, 2 new contestants. Show lasted ~90 minutes, dictated by size/layout of the venue.
Showcase Showdown - First dollar = $100, Second dollar = $5000, Green Section = $500, High Spinner = $250 bonus
Showcase - closest bid w/o going over won one of the prizes in the showcase; $100 or less from ARP wins entire showcase. At our show it was 2 trips, a kitchen, car; One contestant was within $100 but over

Todd and Randy were a good pairing, lots of banter with the contestants, audience, each other. They definitely made Drew/George look awkward by comparison.
A good time was had by all at the Redneck Riviera, would do again