Okay, this is the official discussion thread for this week's Survivor All-Stars. Remember, ANYONE posting spoilers should do so ONLY in Show Summaries, should NOT give away anything in the headings, and should do so using accepted spoiler methods. (In other words, provide enough spoiler space such that a user clicking the message accidentally should STILL be able to hit the Back button on their browser and get out of it before anything is ruined for them. Let's look out for each other here, OK?
That said, here are the tidbits CBS has on the Website for tonight's show. Speculation is welcome:
They thought they'd seen it all the first time, but the All-Stars face a desperate situation none of them has known before.
Sounds to me like they don't get fire made, but with the rain coming down, shouldn't they be able to gather at least SOME water anyhow, if they have ANY brains at all? And Hatch seemed fairly confident that he could make fire at any time: good luck doing it with wet wood, pal.
Or maybe Soozin gets dysentary.

Although Roodie seems to think the water's OK, but then again I suspect Roodie drinks battery acid.

A nervous castaway keeps failing miserably when trying to be useful to the tribe.
No idea who this is. Rupert doesn't APPEAR to be nervous, despite the pickle he put himself in siding with Jerri and her new lap dog. That could actually work out well - now that Ethan is the lone former champion in Saboga, he needs to find a side to stand on, and between Jerri/Jenna L. and Rupert/Roodie, it doens't take a rocket scientist to figger out whose actually honorable.
A female castaway is vexed by several male tribemates when she tries to show them how to make fire.
Call me crazy, but this has Alicia written all over it.
It seems that until these tribes merge or do whatever they are going to do, avoiding TC is going to be CRITICAL. That said, I gotta like Mogo Mogo's chances. The closest thing they have to dead weight physically is Hatch, and he's not too badly off, and will make up for it in the mental contests. Roodie of Saboga (unless his alliance holds, and it might) and Tom of Chapera are the two biggest targets in the game right now, if it comes to tribes wanting to improve their physical positions.
Lex to win it all. My heart wants to go with Rupert, but he's too visible.
So those are my thoughts...what are yours?