I think with each incarnation of High Rollers, there was an element that improved on itself, but also added its own unique brand in the process.
1978-80: Went from prizes claimed by individual number eliminates to prizes claimed by columns of three numbers being eliminated, the last number eliminated allowed the player to claim the prize(s). Also, with the addition of contestants being allowed to roll the dice instead of deferring to Ruta Lee rolling gave more of an impression that the contestants were moreso in control of their own fate. Personally, I loved the wide variety of numeric fonts the show incorporated into its games.
1987-88: Added single die mini-games as its own prize, which when won, allowed contestants to win even more prizes. Bringing back the Big Numbers in "tribute" to the original 1974-76 era was a pleasant surprise as well. I was a little disappointed with the low variety in the numeric fonts in this version. But overall, a solid show in its own right.