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Author Topic: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14  (Read 15545 times)


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Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« on: December 21, 2018, 07:22:41 AM »
Cross-posting from Harvey's post on the Game Show News Facebook group, credits to him.

Looks like Buzzr has a new schedule starting 1/14. New additions include Match Game PM (starting in 1979!) and new episodes of Classic Concentration. Non-notable additions include the return of Temptation.

Also, from 2 to 3:30pm daily, it's an GSN-old-school P/P+/SP block.

Schedule Link


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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2018, 10:08:38 AM »
Looks like if one changes the day in the hyperlink, it'll show the rest of the week, Name's the Same and Beat the Clock will get a rest.
A block resembling GSN's Black & White Overnight will air from 4:00am - 6:00am with WML, IGAS, and TTTT Monday - Friday.
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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2018, 03:51:24 PM »
New additions include Match Game PM (starting in 1979!) Schedule Link

So that would be with the new set and without Dawson. Haven't seen these in a while.


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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2018, 04:00:08 PM »
Name's the Same and Beat the Clock will get a rest.

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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2019, 06:39:44 PM »
Looks like they have new eps of TTTT and WML as well. TTTT today (!/14) had a pinball spot and guest Nipsey Russell had a rhyme about pinball ready. WML had mystery guest Earl Wilson. One of the guests was a lady dressed like a drum major who was a doorman at the Miami Marriott.

Upon the panel being seated on TTTT, Garry said "We have our regular lineup of Cass, Cullen and Carlisle, otherwise known as pretty, witty and Kitty. You can decide who is which."


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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2019, 08:15:19 PM »
Trying to stomach an episode of Temptation as we speak.  I think I saw only one or two episodes back in the day.  And now I remember why I stopped watching this trainwreck pretty darn quick.

Today's episode saw one contestant get screwed out of an instant bargain, IMO, because they started the 5-second shot clock too soon, and they didnt credit her buzz-in in time even though she really only had about 3.5 seconds of the 5 to really decide.

The only good thing I'll credit Buzzr for doing to Temptation was editing out all the home viewer shopping segments.  But the show still was worse than I remember.


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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2019, 11:53:12 PM »
Depending on where in the run they are (and as I remember from the original airings, everything was shown so out of order that there may not actually be a determinable place in the run,) the original broadcast may have done the favor of editing out the home shopping on its own.
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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2019, 12:19:15 AM »
Depending on where in the run they are (and as I remember from the original airings, everything was shown so out of order that there may not actually be a determinable place in the run,) the original broadcast may have done the favor of editing out the home shopping on its own.

They air the episodes in taping order; the airdates on Buzzr's schedule are all totally wrong.

The first taped week aired March 3-7, 2008. Don't know if the Seen On Temptation plugs were still intact by then.

Bryce L.

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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2019, 01:59:42 AM »
Not sure if you already know about this, but if you check on the schedule page and check the source code, you can extract the episode numbers for everything.

For example, here's today's (January 16) listings...

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
12:00am - Supermarket Sweep 2_1185
12:30am - Card Sharks 78_0064 (original airdate 7/20/1978)
1:00am - Press Your Luck 84_0196
1:30am - Match Game PM 79_0147
2:00am - Match Game 78_1283
2:30am - Match Game 78_1284
3:00am - Match Game 76_0629
3:30am - Match Game 76_0630
4:00am - What's My Line? 55_0042 - Mystery guests: swimmer Florence Chadwick and Jean Simmons (original airdate 10/30/1955)
4:40am - I've Got a Secret 63_0008 - Guest: Salvador Dali (original airdate 2/25/1963)
5:20am - To Tell The Truth 62_0047 (original airdate 12/17/1962)
6:00am - Paid Programming
6:30am - Paid Programming
7:00am - Paid Programming
7:30am - Paid Programming
8:00am - Family Feud 80_0162
8:30am - Family Feud 80_0165
9:00am - To Tell The Truth 73_1543
9:30am - What's My Line? 72_1641 - Mystery Guest: Peggy Cass
10:00am - Sale of the Century 85_0058 (original airdate 3/27/1985)
10:30am - Supermarket Sweep 2_1156
11:00am - Match Game 73_0041
11:30am - Match Game 73_0042
12:00pm - Match Game 74_0173
12:30pm - Match Game 74_0174
1:00pm - Classic Concentration 87_0066
1:30pm - Classic Concentration 87_0067
2:00pm - Password 66_0074 - Celebrity Guests: Amanda Blake & Ray Bolger
2:30pm - Password Plus 79_0100 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & John Phillip Law (original airdate 5/25/1979)
3:00pm - Super Password 85_0196 (original airdate 6/26/1985)
3:30pm - Tattletales 74_0215
4:00pm - Card Sharks 78_0044 (original airdate 6/22/1978)
4:30pm - Card Sharks 86_0093
5:00pm - Match Game 78_1285
5:30pm - Match Game 78_1286
6:00pm - Match Game 76_0631
6:30pm - Match Game 76_0632
7:00pm - Sale of the Century 85_0074 (original airdate 4/18/1985)
7:30pm - Temptation 1_0003 (original airdate 9/12/2007)
8:00pm - Password Plus 79_0116 - Celebrity guests: Sarah Purcell & Bill Anderson (original airdate 6/15/1979)
8:30pm - Supermarket Sweep 2_1186
9:00pm - Supermarket Sweep 2_1187
9:30pm - Card Sharks 78_0065 (original airdate 7/21/1978)
10:00pm - Press Your Luck 84_0197
10:30pm - Match Game PM 79_0148
11:00pm - Password Plus 79_0116 - Celebrity guests: Sarah Purcell & Bill Anderson (original airdate 6/15/1979)
11:30pm - Supermarket Sweep 2_1186



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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2019, 11:45:16 AM »
Today on TTTT we have Bert Convy joining the regulars. I think this is the only week he did with Garry. On WML, we have Joanna Barnes and Tony Roberts joining Arlene and Soupy. I never saw Tony on WML before.


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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2019, 08:38:26 PM »
Trying to stomach an episode of Temptation as we speak.  I think I saw only one or two episodes back in the day.  And now I remember why I stopped watching this train wreck pretty darn quick. 

They had something unusual on Temptation today - a male contestant. He proved to be quite the game player.


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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2019, 10:26:43 PM »
A few of the male contestants they had absolutely steamrolled the game. They accidentally cast a handful of game players instead of shoppers during the series, and those people had a pretty easy time winning cars.
"Speed: it made Sandra Bullock a household name, and costs me over ten thousand a week."

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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2019, 10:47:35 PM »
They had something unusual on Temptation today - a male contestant. He proved to be quite the game player.
In the double-run markets, their first undefeated champion was a guy who won a Jaguar. I didn't watch the show often, but I do remember another guy winning a Nissan Altima later in the run.

/It took $ale five years to go from luxury cars to more mainstream models
//Took Temptation five months
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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2019, 01:01:56 AM »
In the double-run markets, their first undefeated champion was a guy who won a Jaguar.
Nope, he won a Prius.

/It took $ale five years to go from luxury cars to more mainstream models
//Took Temptation five months
From what I've pieced together, Temptation went back and forth as tapings progressed - the first car offered was a $21,000 Mini Cooper, while the last was a $25,000 Nissan Altima Hybrid. (The aforementioned Prius was $23,000.)

Most of the cars seem to have been in the $2X,000 range, as was the safari package that sometimes replaced the car. The only exceptions I'm aware of are the BMW 328i ($34,000), the Jaguar X-Type ($35,000), and some sort of Lexus ($37,000).
« Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 01:30:46 AM by Dan88 »
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Re: Buzzr New Schedule 1/14
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2019, 01:13:26 AM »
In the double-run markets, their first undefeated champion was a guy who won a Jaguar.
Nope, he won a Prius.
I double-checked the archive and you're absolutely right. I sit corrected.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."