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Author Topic: April 24-25, 1975  (Read 4978 times)

Adam Nedeff

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Re: April 24-25, 1975
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2019, 12:40:53 AM »
I've see the Monty Hall Special and it's notable only for having Monty Hall.  I couldn't sit through more than the first 10-12 minutes before I started fast forwarding.  Didn't Monty have a guaranteed number of primetime specials for ABC, as part of the move from NBC?
Adam Nedeff would know the definitive answer to this, but I just took a brief scan through Monty's book, and it doesn't look like prime time specials were part of the move - running Let's Make a Deal at night was (the best NBC would give Hatos-Hall was 13 weeks at night, ABC made it a regular series), plus ownership of the show tapes.

I remember reading someplace - possibly from Adam - that Monty did want to do some sort of talk/variety thing in the 1970s, but after trying it decided it wasn't something he wanted to do after all.
Hi there!

Monty was very briefly considered for the 11:30 pm time slot on ABC after Joey Bishop was dumped. Monty renewed his contract around the time that ABC introduced Wide World of Entertainment and Monty took full advantage. His new contract guaranteed him one prime time special per year plus ten episodes of Wide World of Entertainment with full control over content.


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Re: April 24-25, 1975
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2019, 06:26:52 PM »
If you'd like to compare and contrast, here are the TV listings from the Tampa Times, another long-gone afternoon newspaper, for the same period.
It took me a minute to understand why WTOG's Star Trek was a 15-minute show, and what Leonard Nemoy [sic] Adventures was.

/Ditto WTVT's Mike Douglas
//With "Mike" four times underneath that instead of ditto marks

You mean you wouldn't get excited to watch Merv Merv Merv?
