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Author Topic: Most shows to air on the same station in your market  (Read 5227 times)


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Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« on: May 27, 2019, 08:20:16 PM »
A random thought came to me a couple of weeks ago. On one of the threads, we discussed why Catch Phrase never took off, and it led to me counting how many new syndicated shows we had at the time. I realized that my local affiliate, WVEC, aired six of the dozen or so syndicated games that aired during the 1985-86 season, starting around January of '86:

-Headline Chasers
-$ale of the Century
('VEC apparenly picked this up in January; it and TTD replaced America, a short-lived talk show with Sarah Purcell and McLean Stevenson)
-Tic Tac Dough
-Love Connection

If you include weekly "checkerboard" shows, WAVY aired seven games during the 1978-79 season: TJW, Dating Game in the mornings, Newlywed Game at 7pm, TPiR, Feud, Gong, and 25K Pyramid checkered at 7:30. I think they also aired TTD at one point, but the listing I found from January 1979 doesn't show anything.

Off the top of your head, which of your local affiliates set a "record" of sorts for most syndicated games at one time? Again, the keyword is "syndicated". I'm in a good mood, so I'll allow reruns of shows like Card Sharks in the early-80s.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 10:15:17 PM by BrandonFG »
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-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2019, 10:10:41 PM »
WKYC in Cleveland aired only game shows in the overnight from ~1987-1990, at least 3 hours worth.  WKYC also showed Hollywood Squares in the afternoon for most of its run, High Rollers in the afternoon for half its season before overnight relegation, and Combs syndie Feud in prime access.


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2019, 11:57:23 PM »
Back in its single W days WWOR aired a bunch of them.

Between January 1985 and September 1986 their lineup included, at one point or another, Joker and TTD, Let's Make a Deal, Sale, Chance of a Lifetime, Pyramid, The Newlywed Game, and two rerun packages (Feud and Dating Game).

I'd actually be curious to find out if this is true in any other market, but New York has had at least one version of Pyramid air on every major station in the market (the network editions on WCBS and WABC, the Cullen edition on WCBS and WNBC, $50K on WPIX, the first $100k on WWOR, the second on WNBC and WWOR, Donnymid on WWOR and WNYW)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2019, 03:27:59 AM by PYLdude »
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

“We’re game show fans. ‘Weird’ comes with the territory.” - Matt Ottinger, 2022


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2019, 12:13:41 AM »
Some quick amateur Googling gives me this rundown for Chicago:

WLS (ABC) - $10K/$20K, Strahan $100K
WMAQ (NBC) - $25K
WGN - $50K
WBBM (CBS) - New $25K
WPWR - Clark $100K
WFLD - Davidson $100K
WCIU - Donnymid

So that's 7 stations if I'm correct, though I'm unsure on Davidson, which might have been on WPWR.
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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2019, 12:22:31 AM »
So that's 7 stations if I'm correct, though I'm unsure on Davidson, which might have been on WPWR.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2019, 12:48:36 AM »
*stick-tap for the assist*
"Speed: it made Sandra Bullock a household name, and costs me over ten thousand a week."

--Shawn Micallef, Talkin' 'bout Your Generation


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2019, 06:38:08 AM »
To Tell The Truth holds a similar distinction in NYC as Pyramid:

WCBS: Collyer, Moore (1975-77)
WNBC: Moore (1972-75), 1990
WNEW/WNYW: Moore (1969-72), O'Hurley (last half of Season 2)
WABC: Ward, Anderson
WWOR: O'Hurley (to midway point of Season 2)
WPIX: Garagiola

The Pyramid situation repeats itself one market away in Hartford:

WTIC/WFSB: CBS $10K, CBS $25K (minus 1986-87), Donnymid (2002-03)
WTNH: ABC $10K/$20K (to 1978), Cullen $25K, weekend Donnymid (2003-04), Strahan
WVIT: Both $100K runs
WCTX: Donnymid (2003-04)
WTIC: CBS $25K (1986-87, via preemption)

Hartford also has it for Feud:
WFSB: CBS Combs and first year of syndicated Combs
WTNH: Dawson (Daytime to 1982, all of Syndie), Anderson, Harvey (Syndie plus ABC Celebrity)
WTXX/WCCT: Combs (1993-94), Dawson (1994-95), and on-and-off from later Anderson to early Harvey
WVIT: "Best of" Dawson, Syndicated Combs (1989-93), Roker Celebrity
WCTX: Anderson (1999-2001), Harvey
WTIC: Anderson, Karn, O'Hurley

As does to the Northwest of there Albany.
WRGB: Dawson Syndie (to 1984, plus 1995), "Best of" Dawson, CBS Combs (to the FFC launch), Syndie Combs (to late 1990), Harvey (since 2017)
WTEN: Dawson Daytime (from 1977), Combs Syndie (1991), Anderson (2000-01), Harvey Celebrity
WAST/WNYT: Dawson Daytime (1976-77), Karn/O'Hurley (2004-08), Roker Celebrity
WXXA: Anderson (save the WTEN year above), Karn (2002-04)
WCWN: Harvey (since 2013)
WNYA: O'Hurley/Harvey (2008-13)

Jimmy Owen

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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2019, 06:46:34 AM »
In 88-89, Channel 7 in Detroit had an interesting 4 show overnight block of Sweethearts, Relatively Speaking, Lingo and Wipeout.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.

aaron sica

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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2019, 08:39:42 AM »
I'd actually be curious to find out if this is true in any other market, but New York has had at least one version of Pyramid air on every major station in the market (the network editions on WCBS and WABC, the Cullen edition on WCBS and WNBC, $50K on WPIX, the first $100k on WWOR, the second on WNBC and WWOR, Donnymid on WWOR and WNYW)

I think you can count the Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York market in Pyramid fun, too, with major stations:

WGAL (NBC): Syndicated $25,000 (Cullen)
WLYH (then-CBS): $10,000 Pyramid and $100,000 Pyramid (syndicated)
WHP (still CBS): $25,000 (Clark daytime)
WHTM (ABC):  $10,000 Pyramid, $20,000 Pyramid, $100,000 Pyramid (Strahan)
WPMT (FOX): Donnymid

Feud, too:
WGAL (NBC): Celebrity Family Feud
WLYH (then-CBS): Nighttime Dawson Feud (1977-1981), Daytime Combs Feud and syndie 94-95 season
WHP (CBS): Nighttime Dawson Feud  (1981-1984), Daytime Combs Feud
WHTM (ABC): Daytime Dawson Feud and Celebrity Family Feud
WPMT (FOX): Current iteration (since its premiere in 1999)

Also Price:
WGAL (NBC): Cullen, also TNPiR94 (at 2:05am)
WLYH (when CBS): Daytime, and also nighttime '70s
WHP (CBS): Daytime
WHTM (ABC): Cullen
WPMT (when CBS): Daytime, and also nighttime '70s

« Last Edit: May 28, 2019, 11:07:32 AM by aaron sica »


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2019, 07:16:15 PM »

I think you can count the Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York market in Pyramid fun, too, with major stations:

WGAL (NBC): Syndicated $25,000 (Cullen)
WLYH (then-CBS): $10,000 Pyramid and $100,000 Pyramid (syndicated)
WHP (still CBS): $25,000 (Clark daytime)
WHTM (ABC):  $10,000 Pyramid, $20,000 Pyramid, $100,000 Pyramid (Strahan)
WPMT (FOX): Donnymid

Wouldn't WPMT's time as WSBA have also covered them for CBS $10K and the first year of CBS $25K?

A debate to open off of this: Does Big Deal count as a part of the LMaD lineage, because then the LMaD lineage would count for NYC as well: WCBS/WNBC/WABC with their respective network versions, WNYW with Big Deal, (W)WOR with the 1985-86 season of All New LMaD, and WPIX with reruns of 70's nighttime in the late 70s.


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2019, 07:53:05 PM »
So the new topic is one I'd thought about throwing out there too, so I'll continue it here.

Locally, I can't think of any shows that have aired on all of my local affiliates, not even when we only had four or five in the 70s and 80s. However, Pyramid, Feud, TTTT and LMaD aired on all three "Big 4"-and sometimes a "5th"-stations.

Pyramid: WTKR/TAR (10K, Donnymid, I think at least one Cullen season), WVEC (10/20K; Strahan 100K), WAVY (Cullen 25K), WTVZ (Davidson 100K)
Feud: WTKR (Dawson when it became daily; Combs versions/Dawson's comeback season; Anderson's first season), WVEC (Dawson daytime; Harvey), WAVY (Dawson checkered; Roker).

Now, stay with me on this one. WTVZ and WVBT were Fox and WB stations, respectively, until 1998 when they swapped affiliations. WTVZ has aired Feud since 2003, when it was still a WB affil., but also aired the final Combs season, while still a Fox affiliate. WVBT aired the show from 2000-03, allowing Feud to air on two Fox affiliates in the same market. :P

TTTT[/]: WTKR/TAR (Collyer, Ward versions); WAVY (Moore, 1990 revivals); WVEC (Anderson); WVBT (O'Hurley first season). Also aired on independent WSKY during the second season.

LMaD: WTKR (Brady), WVEC (Hall daytime), WAVY (Hall daytime and syndicated versions), WTVZ (Big Deal when 'TVZ was FOX)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2019, 09:07:03 PM by BrandonFG »
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2019, 08:41:21 PM »
Here's an odd one. While not on every major station in the market, Boston has had a fun history with the Pyramids:

WBZ: Cullen $25K, Davidson $100K, Donnymid (weekend extras)
WCVB: ABC $10K/$20K, Strahan $100K
WHDH (as WNAC/WNEV): CBS $10K, Cullen $25K, CBS $25K, Clark $100K
WUTF (as WSMW): Cullen $25K
WSBK: $20K (from WCVB), Donnymid
WLVI: $50K
WUNI (as WVJV): Clark $100K

And similar with TTTT:

WBZ: 1990 (Elliott/Swann)
WCVB: Moore, Anderson
WHDH: Moore, O'Hurley
WUTF (as WHLL): 1990 (Trebek)
WSBK: O'Hurley
WLVI: Ward

Ditto Feud:
WBZ: Dawson Syndie, Combs Syndie
WCVB: Dawson Daytime, Harvey Celebrity
WHDH: Dawson Syndie, "Best Of" Dawson, Combs Daytime, Anderson, Karn, O'Hurley, Roker Celebrity, Harvey
WSBK: Combs Syndie, Dawson return, Anderson
WLVI: Dawson Daytime (from WCVB), "Best Of" Harvey
WBPX: Dawson Daytime, Anderson

Shift some stations around and this repeats for...Hollywood Squares
WBZ: Marshall Daytime, Marshall Nighttime, MGHS, Bergeron
WCVB: Davidson
WHDH: Marshall Nighttime, Davidson
WFXT: Davidson
WSBK: Marshall Syndie

And LMaD
WBZ: 1990, Brady
WCVB: ABC Daytime, 70's syndicated
WHDH: ABC Daytime, 70's syndicated, All-New, 2003
WFXT: 1980, Big Deal
WSBK: 1963-68 NBC (Daytime and Primetime)

Conclusion: WFXT and WLVI have had the worst luck with game shows. IIRC, the last one WFXT aired that wasn't from Fox was syndie Fifth Grader and WLVI was part of season 3 of Celebrity Name Game as a stop-gap before WHDH left NBC.

aaron sica

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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2019, 06:53:34 AM »
Wouldn't WPMT's time as WSBA have also covered them for CBS $10K and the first year of CBS $25K?

A debate to open off of this: Does Big Deal count as a part of the LMaD lineage, because then the LMaD lineage would count for NYC as well: WCBS/WNBC/WABC with their respective network versions, WNYW with Big Deal, (W)WOR with the 1985-86 season of All New LMaD, and WPIX with reruns of 70's nighttime in the late 70s.

Good catch on WSBA...Missed that one! I also struggled with Big Deal being part of the LMaD lineage, so I left it out. That was one I started working on, too.


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2019, 08:07:03 AM »
Come to think of it, Pyramid would best TTTT for most stations in NYC: WLNY, as WLIG, was the last known station to air reruns of Cullen $25K and was the easiest way for most of the NYC market to watch Davidson $100K given it was stuck in overnights at WNBC.


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Re: Most shows to air on the same station in your market
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2019, 08:13:25 AM »
Here mine for LMAD in the Upstate and Western Carolinas

WYFF (Hall and Hilton daytime and 1967 and 1971-77 nighttime, both NBC and syndie), WLOS(Hall daytime and 1984-85 syndie), WSPA(1986 syndie and Brady)


WYFF(Cullen daytime and nighttime till 1963 and 1972 syndie with Dennis James), WLOS(Cullen daytime/nightttime 1963-65 and Davidson syndie in 1994) WSPA(Barker/Carey daytime and Kennedy syndie in 1985)