Last week I watched the July 4 special, which I would say counts as a theme show. There are a few small things I don't like in terms of scripted patter and the like but in the main the things that irritated me in 2002-2007 still chafe in 2019, and Drew isn't going to stop saying "Next prize please" or "keep it or spin."
Back in the old days the show would come up with new games and ditch old ones (even ones I liked) so there has always been a sense of experimentation. To that end I don't mind if they try stuff to see what lands or what explodes in the hangar. My hope is that they are judicious about what falls in what category. (College Rivalry episode doesn't do it for me, Celebrity Week I could take or leave but I always enjoy Best of 20xx. So it's not all good or awful.)