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Author Topic: Current TTTT gripe  (Read 5594 times)


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Current TTTT gripe
« on: October 06, 2019, 09:44:25 AM »
Okay, for the benefit of the younger members... maybe I'm old fashioned, maybe the target audience that TTTT targets doesn't care who the imposters are, but I CARE

For goodness sakes! I want to know who all the imposters are! Anthony keeps skipping over some of them! Instead of wasting time with this Doris Award stuff (okay, target audience loves it, I'm not crazy about it) I would've liked to have known who those other two people were.

I hope I am not "the cheese" and stand alone on this.


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2019, 12:13:12 PM »
Eh, I care too.

My only other big gripe with this version is that they changed the traditional "My name is..." intros.
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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2019, 12:34:17 PM »
I’ll admit I don’t watch often, but I’m inclined to agree. The last episode I watched, I believe we learned about the imposters in the first half, but not the second. I found that weird.
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-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2019, 02:21:29 PM »
Okay, for the benefit of the younger members... maybe I'm old fashioned, maybe the target audience that TTTT targets doesn't care who the imposters are, but I CARE
Why? Why does it burn your soul so hard that they either edit that part out or just flatly don’t do it? I notice that the affidavit does not mention the central character by name but it is a comparatively small piece to a large puzzle of Stuff What I Don’t Like and so I don’t make a point to watch. I also don’t feel like litigating it all the time so I let it be and talk about other stuff.
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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2019, 02:52:25 PM »

That's true, they don't mention the central person's name either in the affadavit. I think they do that for consistency, as they've had a mix of men and women as imposters. However, Anthony always finds out who the real person is.

Also, Jenifer Lewis was on one episode and she kept taking the show away from the game. She picks a fight with Mama Doris, and the whole game goes on hold for much too long. Okay... maybe they feel they have to do this because the idea of questioning these people to find out who is the true person is too boring on its own, so they have to do these things to keep everything interesting. Again, I am not the target audience here. I think TTTT is a strong enough game without the extra hijinx but that might be solely my opinion.


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2019, 10:34:02 AM »
I also don’t feel like litigating it all the time so I let it be and talk about other stuff.

But...you're talking about it.


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2019, 11:00:26 AM »
But...you're talking about it.
Yes. In response to someone else starting a thread.
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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2019, 12:48:59 PM »
I usually watch TTTT with divided attention, but I know that sometimes they'll play another game with the two impostors since one of them has a special talent of their own. Are we sure that wasn't what was happening here?

Also, I kinda like not being married to tradition and just introducing yourself by your talent instead of by your name. For one thing, it allows you to jump right into the story; for another, it makes it possible to have more mixed panels when the talent/achievement could conceivably be done by either gender. If you're going to require each candidate to say "My name is Robbie Rist", it cuts your contestant pool in half for that game.
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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2019, 12:46:53 PM »
"My name is Robbie Rist..."

Was he on?

Jeremy Nelson

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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2019, 12:58:13 PM »
Also, Jenifer Lewis was on one episode and she kept taking the show away from the game. She picks a fight with Mama Doris, and the whole game goes on hold for much too long. Okay... maybe they feel they have to do this because the idea of questioning these people to find out who is the true person is too boring on its own, so they have to do these things to keep everything interesting. Again, I am not the target audience here. I think TTTT is a strong enough game without the extra hijinx but that might be solely my opinion.
Keep in mind that the perspective of the game has changed as well- the game is now played as if the celebrities are the contestants, which explains some of the side antics. Considering that most celebrities don’t want to be considered dumb, painting Truth as a fun party game instead of a clever game of deception gets more people interested. Plus, if celebs are having fun, that could lead to higher profile celebs joining in (see Feud, Celebrity Family).
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2019, 03:27:42 PM »
"My name is Robbie Rist..."

Was he on?

He was indeed! :) Robbie was on the July 7, 2019 episode. He was one of the three people claiming to have played a ninja turtle.

Robbie was the correct choice, having played Michaelangelo. Two of the four voted for him.


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2019, 04:48:11 PM »
He was indeed! :) Robbie was on the July 7, 2019 episode. He was one of the three people claiming to have played a ninja turtle.

Huh! Did they mention his seminal role as Oliver?


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2019, 08:07:31 AM »
Also, Jenifer Lewis was on one episode and she kept taking the show away from the game. She picks a fight with Mama Doris, and the whole game goes on hold for much too long. Okay... maybe they feel they have to do this because the idea of questioning these people to find out who is the true person is too boring on its own, so they have to do these things to keep everything interesting. Again, I am not the target audience here. I think TTTT is a strong enough game without the extra hijinx but that might be solely my opinion.
Keep in mind that the perspective of the game has changed as well- the game is now played as if the celebrities are the contestants, which explains some of the side antics. Considering that most celebrities don’t want to be considered dumb, painting Truth as a fun party game instead of a clever game of deception gets more people interested. Plus, if celebs are having fun, that could lead to higher profile celebs joining in (see Feud, Celebrity Family).

Then I am amongst the old fashioned. To their credit, the 3 contestants are well briefed, and some of the celebs ask good questions, but they're making too many assumptions of what the audience would like. The first season had a live band, which IMO made the show too loud, and I also think, they detracted from the game. I also hated the vocal cries of "LIES, LIES, LIES!!!!" Tweet a Lie was silly... when was this "lie" posted on Twitter, and was anyone really fooled? I was glad Tweet a Lie was dropped. Then they had Anthony do a fake news segment on the loser... kinda funny, but they dropped it. Now, Mama Doris simply crowns the loser... short and sweet, but also pointless and repetitive. Oddly enough, these detractors haven't been so bad that it makes me stop watching the show. They do have decent guests on.


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2019, 05:33:30 PM »
It wouldn’t have worked in the past, but I get a kick out of keeping score on the panel. It holds the hour together, and the crowning is a quick way to cap it off.

The live band and the current music are both terrible. The 70s vocal theme would be a hoot, either the amusingly retro original performance or a cover by someone with a little recognition. Not their live band, for Pete’s sake.


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Re: Current TTTT gripe
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2019, 09:25:50 PM »
short and sweet, but also pointless and repetitive.
Welcome to the postmodern game show.

Oddly enough, these detractors haven't been so bad that it makes me stop watching the show. They do have decent guests on.
I more or less gave it up--I will typically watch either a Shark Tank pitch or a Fool Us performance but unless I remembered to look and see who was on, To Tell the Truth doesn't pull me in and I'm OK with that.
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