After consulting with his competitor-turned-friend Kim Worth Bob decided to donate what remained at some point of the perishable stuff and cleansers to local shelters, which I would have done as I have not accumulated enough enemies in my forty years on earth to unload that amount of V-8 Splash at them.
Shoulda called me. I quite enjoy V8 Splash.

And got the taste of it through getting a random supply of it. Dad until very recently drove for a carting company doing private contracting work (in other words, if his company supplied you with dumpsters and if he was the driver on your route, he was the guy who picked it up) and some of his customers would, from time to time, give him stuff to take home. One was a warehouser in North Jersey that distributed stuff to local stores, and they happened to have a contract with whoever was bottling V8 at the time in the area (I assume Campbell's wasn't doing it themselves, and Camden is in southwest Jersey). So Dad brought home a couple of cases of V8 Splash bottles and I decided to try it. What can I say? It was good.
My dad also was the man who picked up refuse at a restaurant featured on Kitchen Nightmares. I like to tell a story about that, but for the sake of bandwidth won't do it here (but if you wanna know, feel free to message me).