It's been a while since we've done one of these...maybe it can become its own thread. I'm thinking we could add new game show sightings as we go along, not stuff noted in the past, i.e. the clip of
Jeopardy! in
Groundhog Day.
Anyway, last night I started watching the Amazon Prime series
Hunters, starring Al Pacino. During an establishing shot, I hear what sounds like a game show playing, and sure enough, the character is watching
Las Vegas Gambit. I'm not sure if the episode is on Youtube or within the circuit, so I found it interesting that
that was the show used, instead of something more mainstream like an old
TPiR or
Hollywood Squares. For the record, the couples in question are the Downeys and the Pattons, and there's a question about Marilu Henner.

Fun fact: IMDb claims that the husband of the Downey duo is controversial talk show host Morton Downey, Jr.
What makes it even more interesting for me is that
Hunters is set in summer 1977, three years before this version of
Gambit hit the airwaves. Obviously, the producers just needed a generic daytime game show, and the average viewer wouldn't notice. Regardless, I got a kick out of them using
Gambit of all shows. The credits give thanks to a company called
Clear Rights, which handles clearances, so I imagine getting an obscure 40-year-old game show would've been easier than going through Fremantle or Sony for one of their properties.
As for the series itself, it's interesting, but with the plot surrounding anti-Semitism, it is quite dark.