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Author Topic: Buzzr audio issues  (Read 3169 times)

Bryce L.

  • Member
  • Posts: 1180
Buzzr audio issues
« on: April 08, 2020, 04:17:50 PM »
Right now on Press Your Luck, the audio seems to suddenly get quieter for a few seconds, go back up to normal levels for a few seconds, drop again, etc. Anyone else noticing this?


  • Executive Producer
  • Posts: 1948
Re: Buzzr audio issues
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2020, 05:55:11 PM »
That didn't catch my ear, but I did notice that Buzzr skipped episodes 319 and 320 to get to today's episode. Episode 319 can be found on YouTube in the form of a VHS copy of a GSN recording and near the end, the tracking briefly slips a couple of times. The GSN bug stays in place, so it was a problem with the master tape and not the VHS recording. I assume that's why Buzzr skipped over that episode.

During today's episode, there were a couple of smaller video problems near the credits. My hunch is that we've hit a little patch where the master tapes are showing their age, so the audio problems may not be Buzzr's fault.