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Author Topic: Buzzr changes, effective 5/4/20  (Read 14664 times)


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Re: Buzzr changes, effective 5/4/20
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2020, 06:11:00 PM »
You are really going to need to cite a source on that one.

About why no Feud on Buzzr?  Like I said it was just speculation from Facebook users, with no substance that I know of.  Though it's crazy enough to actually be possible these days, do take it with a grain of salt. 

(It's probably ratings.  Though I couldn't see any version of FF be THAT unpopular ...but that's just me)
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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Re: Buzzr changes, effective 5/4/20
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2020, 06:50:03 PM »
Like I said it was just speculation from Facebook users, with no substance that I know of.

No, you most definitely did not say that. What you said was "I heard" with absolutely no qualification as to the authority of the source. And you added the word "speculation" after the fact.
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Re: Buzzr changes, effective 5/4/20
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2020, 11:26:20 PM »
I'd be more on-board for O'Hurley TTTT myself, but his run of Feud wouldn't be bad either.

I thought of O’Hurley TTTT too, but Feud would probably be the bigger draw for casual viewers, IMHO. I agree that TTTT would probably be a step up from Temptation and CNG as a draw, though.

About why no Feud on Buzzr?  Like I said it was just speculation from Facebook users, with no substance that I know of.  Though it's crazy enough to actually be possible these days, do take it with a grain of salt. 

(It's probably ratings.  Though I couldn't see any version of FF be THAT unpopular ...but that's just me)

I don’t at all doubt you that the “cancel culture” idea was floated, but I do question the theory itself. To me, some of Rayburn’s antics on MG 7x are at times more questionable than Dawson’s seemingly consensual kissing—which he did plenty of on both MG and Feud—and both Rayburn & MG are still in good standing on the network. Plus, that shouldn’t have any bearing on Combs’ version.

(And BUZZR has pretty strongly implied that they want to run Barker-era TPIR if they can ever make it happen—which of course has glaring #MeToo issues that would put Richard & Gene both to shame.)


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Re: Buzzr changes, effective 5/4/20
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2020, 12:03:56 AM »
(And BUZZR has pretty strongly implied that they want to run Barker-era TPIR if they can ever make it happen—which of course has glaring #MeToo issues that would put Richard & Gene both to shame.)
Honestly, I think Buzzr should go a different route and try to get the James, Kennedy, and Davidson shows. They've already aired Cullen episodes, so it's not like getting ahold of non-Barker/Carey Price is impossible.
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Re: Buzzr changes, effective 5/4/20
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2020, 09:54:04 PM »
MG 98 was okay. It's not going in my upper tier of MG revivals, but it was watchable. Like Chelsea said, the Clinton jokes were no different than the Nixon jokes in the 70s, although I think the Clinton jokes were a lot more common. I didn't mind the punny categories versus A and B, but the dirty humor was take it or leave it for me. By 1998, with all the trash talk shows in daytime and South Park at night, there just wasn't much of an envelope left to push on TV. Like Bill said, there were a lot of censored answers on this version that kinda took away the fun, even if you could easily put 2+2 together about what was on the card.

I remember liking this show more than I probably should have, but I would have been 13 years old in 1998, so basically everything in this paragraph would have been a huge plus to me.


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Re: Buzzr changes, effective 5/4/20
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2020, 11:52:35 PM »
The show itself was okay, but there were times when Paula Poundstone got on my nerves.
There were times she didn't?  Goodness, you have a high threshold of pain.   8)
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