Schedules for May 4 to 11 are out, and there are a few moves and switches...
Now You See It 74 is now on Sunday nights from 10 to 11pm (with repeat from 1 to 2am Sunday/Monday),
with Body Language 85 moving into NYSI's current slot of 4 to 5am Saturday/Sunday.
Fully agree.
Though I wonder, are we to take the upgrade of Narz on the schedule as a good sign for 70s
I know GSN aired a Louie episode a few years ago, along with the Karn run, but I'm surprised the first decade of Feud hasn't aired on Buzzr, even in a weekend capacity or one-off. If they're going with recent properties (recent meaning since 2000), why not go with one that at least scored decent ratings?
Unless they don't wanna confuse the viewers who might wonder why Al from Home Improvement is hosting Feud.
Even before this conversation, I’ve wondered... if they feel they must include a 21st Century show on the schedule, why not Karn or O’Hurley
Feud? While O’Hurley’s probably has more goodwill with the classics fans overall, either version should be recognizable to casual viewers (more so, I’d think, than CNG or
Temptation), yet still old enough it shouldn’t cause any friction with stations airing the current version.
I've come to a theory that Buzzr works best as the "oldies" station and stuff like Temptation and CNG don't fit the format. Supermarket Sweep is the occasional 90's song that probably shouldn't be on the station but people like it anyway.
As a former radio guy, I dig this analogy.

Shoot, they should put DAWSON AND COMBS at a time beyond the wee hours they put it on these days.
Yeah, what exactly has happened with Dawson & Combs? I thought Dawson
Feud was a BUZZR stalwart in the early days, and Combs was a reliable midcarder. (Working in some wrestling talk for you,

) Was it a ratings thing? I’m surprised that a couple of their presumably most recognizable classics would be buried the way they’ve been.
(And oddly, Combs
Feud still has a pretty heavy presence on their social media.)
Just before I moved a couple of months ago, one of the last tapes I digitized before the move was literally nothing but Bergeron HS (still a gem) and MG 98
And honestly I was surprised by how overall charmed I was by the show. The theme's an outright bop, Michael Burger was fantastic, and while dropping a celebrity and keeping the bonus prize at five grand feels weird and cheap, I didn't hate the "all stars play every round" concept. And for my money the show's two sets are the two best the franchise has had.
The jokes tend to skew a bit too topical, but honestly calling anything about a show *dated* when in comparison to 70s Match Game is a riot, and I didn't even find Judy Tenuda *that* bad.
I’m usually willing to give any game show a chance and at least watch a full episode before passing judgment. I started an episode of MG ‘98 & gave up on it. It just wasn’t connecting for me, and I thought Judy was too much.
But that’s just me. To each their own.