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Author Topic: Portions recreated  (Read 8046 times)


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Portions recreated
« on: February 13, 2004, 11:20:46 PM »
Anyone here ever been to a taping where portions of the show were recreated due to mistakes made?  When did this practice start?  I notice it in the credits of shows like The Weakest Link, and Millionaire.   What's the most you've seen recreated, and how long does the audience have to wait around after the end of the tapings to do these re-creations?   What are the most common reasons why a portion must be recreated?  

I can theorize a few: question reading screwups, possible offensive material, something wrong with the contestant's and/or host's appearance, someone in the audience in the background shouts something.   Technical failure (sound, camera, etc). Feel free to add to the list.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2004, 11:21:30 PM by ezbidder »


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« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 11:45:41 PM »
[quote name=\'ezbidder\' date=\'Feb 13 2004, 08:20 PM\'] Anyone here ever been to a taping where portions of the show were recreated due to mistakes made?  When did this practice start?  I notice it in the credits of shows like The Weakest Link, and Millionaire.   What's the most you've seen recreated, and how long does the audience have to wait around after the end of the tapings to do these re-creations?   What are the most common reasons why a portion must be recreated?  

I can theorize a few: question reading screwups, possible offensive material, something wrong with the contestant's and/or host's appearance, someone in the audience in the background shouts something.   Technical failure (sound, camera, etc). Feel free to add to the list.

eZb [/quote]
 You're right on with the most common reasons tape is stopped. A lot of folks here can help answer that one. I'll give you a quickie, general response.

Most brief recreations are necessary to make a smooth edit after tape has been stopped usually because of either a technical problem (camera, etc), a game electronics problem (score keeping, clock, etc), or a judging error. Sometimes it's because an audience member yelled an answer (right or wrong), or the director has a weak bladder!   ;-)

"Weakest Link" could be tough at times needing the host to immediately call an answer right or wrong as the clock is running. When there was a question, tape would be stopped, the answer given by the contestant researched, and the round would resume with the players and clock reset to where they had been (tape is rewound to check), and there would often be a repeat of the answer and/or the judgement call (the recreation) to make it all fit together. Standards and Practices runs out on stage during the stop to make sure players don't discuss the questions or answers (on WOF players turn away from the puzzle board) so that stopping the game does not substantially affect the outcome of the competition.

Oh, and the warm-up guy gets off his ass to keep the audience entertained as this process can take anywhere from about 3 minutes to a half hour, or more!

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« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2004, 05:29:30 AM »
So Randy, how often do you do pickups for Zim's Crack Creme? :-)


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« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2004, 08:51:12 AM »
At my week of wheel tapings, the Wednesday episode (not mine) had a situation whereby the wrong screen lit up.  The players turned their backs, and they quickly rectified the situation.  Pat Sajak quipped that "America will never know if you don't tell them!".

I also remember reading something in the rules that if they have to throw out the puzzle each contestant gets $100 (on the side; not on their score).  Anyone care to confirm or deny?


Ryan :)


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« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2004, 09:10:43 AM »
In her book, Maxene Fabe told of a Wheel incident where a light blew just as a woman hit "BANKRUPT." The voice of the director came over the speaker telling her 'we got the wheel but we lost you. Look disappointed."
This isn't a plug, but you can ask me about my book.

Michael Brandenburg

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« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2004, 10:41:52 AM »
In response to the following query from "vtown7" in this thread:

I remember reading something in the [Wheel of Fortune] rules that if they have to throw out the puzzle each contestant gets $100 (on the side; not on their score). Anyone care to confirm or deny?

There was a book about Wheel of Fortune I purchased about 15 years ago at a time when my mother was getting ready to try out for the show.  It had the full rules to the studio game in it at that time.

Although this may have since changed, the rule at that time regarding thrown-out puzzles was as follows: If the puzzle for Game #1 on a show is thrown out, the entire show up to that point is thrown out and the taping for that show starts anew, with no contestant receiving anything from the aborted program.  Otherwise, each contestant receives a $200 gift certificate in addition to whatever they receive on the show (whether in game winnings or "parting gifts"), the aborted game is edited from the program tape, and a new game with a new puzzle is started to replace the aborted game.

Michael Brandenburg
(Unless this happened on one of the early Woolery episodes -- then the contestants received, or so I understood, something called a "tift cergificate!")

Card Shark

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« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2004, 10:50:43 AM »
[quote name=\'ezbidder\' date=\'Feb 13 2004, 11:20 PM\'] Anyone here ever been to a taping where portions of the show were recreated due to mistakes made?  When did this practice start?  I notice it in the credits of shows like The Weakest Link, and Millionaire.   What's the most you've seen recreated, and how long does the audience have to wait around after the end of the tapings to do these re-creations?   What are the most common reasons why a portion must be recreated?  

I can theorize a few: question reading screwups, possible offensive material, something wrong with the contestant's and/or host's appearance, someone in the audience in the background shouts something.   Technical failure (sound, camera, etc). Feel free to add to the list.

eZb [/quote]
 When I went to TPIR five years ago, they had to do something like this. They played the Hi Lo game and I believe Bob revealed the price cards for the items too quickly so the camera never got it. So, while the stage was being set up for the Showcase, they brought the Hi Lo board back out and shot Bob slowly revealing the cards to be placed in post-production. Also, the day before when I went to see Jeopardy, there were points where Alex had apparently fumbled or not read an answer correctly to the contestants. So, during stop tapes, they asked him to re-read the answers he fumbled on to be placed in post-production. So, he isn't always so perfect!
Adam Strom


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« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2004, 11:01:29 AM »
What had to be one of the funnier stop-tapes in history was recorded for posterity on Naturally Stoned.  A Lingo contestant came up with an interesting guess: W-E-A-L-D. Sort of looks like a word, but nobody was really sure. So the tape stopped (for Lingo, not for Naturally Stoned) and Phil Gurin went into a cursing fit with just about everybody on the set as they tried to figure out if the guess was a real word or not. Finally, a very bored-looking Chuck Woolery said they would just end up tossing the puzzle and playing another one.

Which is what they eventually did.


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« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2004, 11:39:03 AM »
Don't know if this counts as a recreation, but tape had to stop for a good couple minutes in late 2002 on TPIR. I read on golden road that after the woman won Ten Chances and Bob appeared to duck behind the board, he actually fell down. Luckily he wasn't injured, but we never saw the fall, but a quick edit told that something happened for sure.


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« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2004, 12:36:40 PM »
[quote name=\'passwordplus\' date=\'Feb 14 2004, 11:39 AM\']Don't know if this counts as a recreation, but tape had to stop for a good couple minutes in late 2002 on TPIR. I read on golden road that after the woman won Ten Chances and Bob appeared to duck behind the board, he actually fell down. Luckily he wasn't injured, but we never saw the fall, but a quick edit told that something happened for sure.[/quote]
Here's the real story from a person who was there. Myself.

After the contestant won, she went towards the car. Barker then followed when he saw she was in the car and the coast was clear. She then got out of the car and began to chase Bob. She chased him behind the 10 Chances board. She grabbed him by the arm and started to pull him away from the game. In the commotion of him trying to fight her off, he fell to one knee. And that's not a soft floor.

That is what you didn't see. Bob falling to one knee. There was no stoppage of tape/show any longer than there normally is for a taping after a game is over. Unfortunately some things are reported as fact when they are not.

Funny story to this was that I was in the booth for that particular episode.

Shortly thereafter, Bob mentioned that he wanted to take a look at the tape after the show was over. The message was passed from Bob Chic to the director's booth. After the show had ended I said "Thank you" and said if Barker's coming in I better get out.

So as I'm leaving I run into Roger and said, "I'd better leave." He said I should stay. Needless to say I was pretty uncomfortable, as I know when I shouldn’t be somewhere. I asked, "Are you sure?" twice. So I stayed.

I can't recall all the people that came in, but Barker comes in. He actually wanted to leave in the whole segment as is. Bart convinced him to let him try to make it look better. What you saw on TV was his result. Bart's perspective was that when you saw the segment, you knew something happened, but didn't know what.

Later, I was asked if it should have been left in or taken out. I agreed it should have been taken out. It just looked bad.

That's the true story.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2004, 12:39:29 PM by cmjb13 »
Enjoy lots and lots of backstage TPIR photos and other fun stuff here. And yes, I did park in Syd Vinnedge's parking spot at CBS


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« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2004, 04:20:50 PM »


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« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2004, 05:02:33 PM »
[quote name=\'whewfan\' date=\'Feb 14 2004, 02:29 AM\'] So Randy, how often do you do pickups for Zim's Crack Creme? :-) [/quote]
Good news.....  Zim's crack is healing!

« Last Edit: February 14, 2004, 05:13:07 PM by tvrandywest »
The story behind the voice you know and love... the voice of a generation of game shows: Johnny Olson!

Celebrate the centennial of the America's favorite announcer with "Johnny Olson: A Voice in Time."

Preview the book free: click "Johnny O Tribute" http://www.tvrandywest.com


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« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2004, 05:06:11 PM »
[quote name=\'ezbidder\' date=\'Feb 13 2004, 10:20 PM\']Anyone here ever been to a taping where portions of the show were recreated due to mistakes made?  When did this practice start?  I notice it in the credits of shows like The Weakest Link, and Millionaire.   What's the most you've seen recreated, and how long does the audience have to wait around after the end of the tapings to do these re-creations?   What are the most common reasons why a portion must be recreated? 

I can theorize a few: question reading screwups, possible offensive material, something wrong with the contestant's and/or host's appearance, someone in the audience in the background shouts something.   Technical failure (sound, camera, etc). Feel free to add to the list.

I guess I'm 2 for 2 on this: when I did "Jeopardy" in '85, there was a consistent problem with some of the TV monitors not revealing the answers quickly.  We had to turn around and stare at the big neon "Jeopardy" sign while they fixed them.  It was only for a few minutes, but on the show that taped before mine, they stopped tape at one point for about 15 minutes, which really threw off the rhythm of the fellow who had control of the board.  He never quite regained it.

On "Millionaire," there was a tape stop for the contestant before me in the hot seat.  She gave the correct answer to a question (a low-level question) but Regis called her wrong.  Seems the wrong answer flashed up on his monitor.  It got caught quickly...particularly when the audience started shouting, "That's not right."  They stopped tape, caught the error, she retaped her answer and he called her right.  Fortunately, she regained her composure amazingly well.

In both these cases, the retakes were done right at that point, not afterward.

Jay Temple

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« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2004, 12:00:47 AM »
I've heard of one other situation where they'll change it.  Somewhere I heard that if you sing too much of a song as a clue on Pyramid, they'll have you go back and say the line straight so that they don't have to pay a royalty.
Protecting idiots from themselves just leads to more idiots.

Clay Zambo

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« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2004, 09:57:01 AM »
At the first Millionaire taping I attended--back in the Regis era--they taped all six acts (as always, taping way more than an hour's worth of material) and then had to go back for to fix a couple of Reege's misreads.  Worst part of that was putting the contestants back in the Hot Seat, particularly for one woman who missed a question.  bad enough she lost (I've forgotten how much), but to have to recreate the experience of losing...