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Author Topic: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)  (Read 144362 times)


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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #225 on: May 10, 2021, 05:15:36 PM »
Per the channel's social media, another batch of 25 episodes (5002D-5051D) starts on Thursday.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2021, 05:27:15 PM by snowpeck »
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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #226 on: May 10, 2021, 11:14:30 PM »
Nice to see more episodes, and I like that it's an odd number being added. Since I'm usually watching at the same time each night, I'm sure there are plenty of episodes from the current rotation I haven't seen, and this will shuffle up their air times a bit more.
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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #227 on: May 13, 2021, 05:21:07 PM »
They're really getting mileage out of those (then) "new" cues


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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #228 on: June 12, 2021, 12:47:29 PM »
The episode airing right this minute featured a contestant bombing out on Grand Game, winning just $1.

Bob says it was the first time it happened.  Did he use this crutch a lot longer than I remember, or might it have been the first time?

Bob derides/interrogates her for about 30 seconds prior to the showcase showdown, making a somewhat sexist remark about a woman doing the shopping.  Karma comes quickly when he messes up the scores during the same showdown 
Phil 4:13


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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #229 on: June 12, 2021, 11:30:30 PM »
There is a *lot* of "How many times has that happened?" Probably at least once a week.

One thing I've noticed watching this era is the high volume of recurring prizes. No wonder Ted Slausen was able to memorize things to such a degree. What would have stumped him every time, though, is the frequent package of L.A. pro sports season tickets featured in Take Two, Race Game, and Danger Price. Even in the context of something as much of a guessing game as Price, the tickets' arbitrary nature is another level. Watching tonight, the Kings' season tickets were $688. Last time I saw them, they were $1,4xx. (Lord have pity on whoever was dropping fifteen hundred bucks to watch the 1983 Kings.)
"Speed: it made Sandra Bullock a household name, and costs me over ten thousand a week."

--Shawn Micallef, Talkin' 'bout Your Generation


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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #230 on: June 13, 2021, 12:05:48 AM »
Two things from me:

From the "Before They Were Stars" department: Janet Jones, the future Mrs. Wayne Gretzky, was in one of the eps shown on Pluto TV so far, the April 4, 1983 ep.

Show #5011D, OAD 9/26/1983 was likely preempted completely in the East Coast (or had a good chunk of it preempted) due to a Presidential News Conference; I know that day's Press Your Luck ep met that fate. Can anybody confirm or deny this?

Chelsea Thrasher

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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #231 on: June 13, 2021, 01:51:25 AM »
Thought I've been having watching the Barker episodes from Pluto:

While on the whole I actually prefer the current show (Bob's shtick has aged like milk for one thing), one takeaway from Price in the 80s?  Price in 2021 has entirely too many pricing games. Except for a handful of games clearly on their way out or don't fit for time, pretty much every game was played in the 80s with some degree of regularity.

The show has a significant number of games played less than 10 times per year now and it could easily cut 30 games from it's rotation and viewers would barely notice.


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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #232 on: June 13, 2021, 02:17:04 AM »
The episode that just went off features a woman named Joanne, whose Showcase allowed her to become an extra on As The World Turns. Said Showcase also featured Meg Ryan and Frank Runyeon, who starred as one of the soap's supercouples.

Anyone know if Janice indeed appeared on ATWT?
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-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Bobby B.

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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #233 on: June 14, 2021, 01:20:41 PM »
There is a *lot* of "How many times has that happened?" Probably at least once a week.

One thing I've noticed watching this era is the high volume of recurring prizes. No wonder Ted Slausen was able to memorize things to such a degree. What would have stumped him every time, though, is the frequent package of L.A. pro sports season tickets featured in Take Two, Race Game, and Danger Price. Even in the context of something as much of a guessing game as Price, the tickets' arbitrary nature is another level. Watching tonight, the Kings' season tickets were $688. Last time I saw them, they were $1,4xx. (Lord have pity on whoever was dropping fifteen hundred bucks to watch the 1983 Kings.)

I’ve always wondered about those LA sports tickets.  Was there ever any mention of contestants being able to substitute them for tickets to the teams closest to where they lived?  I would think that would be one of the most frequently declined prizes otherwise.

Steve Gavazzi

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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #234 on: June 14, 2021, 01:36:26 PM »
I’ve always wondered about those LA sports tickets.  Was there ever any mention of contestants being able to substitute them for tickets to the teams closest to where they lived?  I would think that would be one of the most frequently declined prizes otherwise.

I think Roger's said that they always substituted cash when someone won the tickets.


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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #235 on: June 14, 2021, 02:38:59 PM »
Thought I've been having watching the Barker episodes from Pluto:

While on the whole I actually prefer the current show (Bob's shtick has aged like milk for one thing), one takeaway from Price in the 80s?  Price in 2021 has entirely too many pricing games. Except for a handful of games clearly on their way out or don't fit for time, pretty much every game was played in the 80s with some degree of regularity.

The show has a significant number of games played less than 10 times per year now and it could easily cut 30 games from it's rotation and viewers would barely notice.
I don't know. Cut the rotation down to 47 games and I think there's going to be too many repeats. A lot of games would have to show up on a weekly basis, and I can imagine viewers who watch regularly getting sick of seeing some games as much as they love seeing others. I like seeing some games often, but I don't need to see some combination of Bargain/Phone Home/Squeeze in the first half of a show three weeks in a row.

I don't think too many games are the reason they're playing some games less than 10 times per year. I think the reason is that they're just not playing them. Perhaps some are due to time constraints. But I can't believe we can't siphon off a couple of One Wrong Price's 23 playings last season to play Eazy as 1-2-3 more than eight times. They're just not properly rotating the games, which I do conceit could be a tough task due to the amount of games.
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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #236 on: June 14, 2021, 03:05:42 PM »
Watching tonight, the Kings' season tickets were $688. Last time I saw them, they were $1,4xx. (Lord have pity on whoever was dropping fifteen hundred bucks to watch the 1983 Kings.)

I don't think I want to know the answer to this question, but I'm going to ask it anyhow.

How many tickets was this, did they mention? (Meaning: one seat, two seats, four? I know how many home games they play.)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 05:32:19 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #237 on: June 14, 2021, 05:00:52 PM »
The show has a significant number of games played less than 10 times per year now and it could easily cut 30 games from it's rotation and viewers would barely notice.

On a couple of different occasions in the past, when an average person learned that I was working on TPIR, they would say, "You know that game where [rough description of how pricing game works]? You sure play that a lot, don't you?" There was an undercurrent of disappointment in the remark, and it was about a rarely won game like Lucky Seven or That's Too Much.

If the choice is between a casual viewer reacting with "Lucky Seven again?" or "I don't recognize any of these games," I think the latter is preferable. I've been dipping in and out of the Pluto episodes when I can, and it seems like many contestants don't know the rules to the weekly games, even with significantly fewer games in the rotation compared to today. So from an on-air point of view, there's little benefit to getting rid of a lot of games.

Of course, the reason games like Lucky Seven and That's Too Much are played so frequently is because they don't take much time, and with program content time dwindling, that's crucial. I do think the current show relies a little too heavily on the quick games, but it would be impossible to get a perfect rotation.

But I can't believe we can't siphon off a couple of One Wrong Price's 23 playings last season to play Eazy as 1-2-3 more than eight times.

Easy as 1 2 3 is timed either 30 seconds or 60 seconds longer than One Wrong Price, depending on what the current timings are -- having the contestant walk around to place the blocks does make the game take longer. I know that 30 or 60 seconds doesn't sound like much, but that time has to be made up somewhere. So if you want to play Easy as 1 2 3 instead of One Wrong Price, you'll end up, for example, playing Lucky Seven instead of Any Number to get the show to come in on time. But the show has fewer car games than not-car games, so Lucky Seven may already be needed somewhere else in the week.


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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #238 on: June 14, 2021, 05:06:35 PM »
The show has a significant number of games played less than 10 times per year now and it could easily cut 30 games from it's rotation and viewers would barely notice.
I don't know. Cut the rotation down to 47 games and I think there's going to be too many repeats.

Agreed. Each show week needs 30 of 'em. Regarding this issue, I had the opposite reaction to watching Pluto. Seeing the retired stuff is nice, of course, and seeing other games uptick in their frequency was equally fun. But, in so far as you have storage space, I don't see the harm in having some games that literally show up a handful of times per year.

Poker Game -- which was not a good game -- became "something" to me when it would make its once-in-a-blue-moon appearances in the later Barker years. Heck, even Pick-a-Number showing up used to be a welcome distraction from the unending parade of playing Squeeze Play, Coming or Going, et al. I understand ditching a game like Step Up, because it has a huge footprint, and doesn't offer enough to justify its real estate when you could play Take Two or Race Game instead. But when it comes to most "rare" games, I like that they're there, so I know I'm not guaranteed to see the same rotation too quickly.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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Re: Barker TPIR coming to Pluto TV 12/1/20 (Confirmed)
« Reply #239 on: June 14, 2021, 05:12:04 PM »
I guess, to put it another way, Jeopardy! could theoretically run a regular rotation of the same broad category topics on the board each week. SCIENCE, HISTORY, MOVIES, LITERATURE...the show would function the same way, but you'd lose something without the (perception of) variety. So even if there's a worry on Price that something like Easy as 123 has a harder time fitting into lineups due to timing, I think it's far better to have the game show up every other month than to see Most Expensive again, and again, and again...

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck