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Author Topic: Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight  (Read 35195 times)


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #105 on: February 19, 2004, 07:39:11 PM »
Wow, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

0 for 4

Question #3

Place these movies in order by the time period in which they take place starting with the earliest.

1) Quiz Show (1950s)
2) Seabiscuit (1920s)
3) Dangerous Liasons (1760s)
4) Little Women (1860s)

Like always, I only know #1 and the rest I guessed. Horribly.

I said 4-3-1-2.

Nope, as the correct answer is 3-4-2-1.

Got TraderRob's question for #2 as well.

For reference:
Place in order from head to toe:
1) Pancreas
2) Pituitary
3) Ovary
4) Thyroid


I'd say an idea if to cull all the questions people have gotten so you can study. While I'm sure there are a hundred phone game questions, I'd imagine that you could just read up on it. Simply a suggestion.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #106 on: February 19, 2004, 07:46:13 PM »
My five questions(I'm one for four on qualifying) tonight:

1-Put the group's name Rage Against the Machine in order
2-Historical Events first to last: Great Wall Built, Renaissance, Catholic Reformation, Fall of Communism in East Germany
3-Islands of Europe largest to smallest: Great Britain, Ireland, Sicily, Crete
4-80s movies in order of releases, first to last: Risky Business, Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, Less Than Zero.
5-Holidays in order of celebration in calendar year(Jan-Dec): Tet, Bastille Day, Thanksgiving, Boxing Day.

Not too bad other than 4, where the movies were only a year apart or so in release.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #107 on: February 19, 2004, 08:08:49 PM »
Zach--Just curious--how can you be 1 for 4 and still trying--once you qualify for a tape date, you should be locked out.  (Or was tonight successfull?)

I'm 0 for 4 myself.  4th question--put the following units of volume in order from the smallest:  Fifth, Pony, Jigger, Pint.  I wasn't aware of a Pony (it's one ounce) and put it last instead of first.

There's always tomorrow.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #108 on: February 19, 2004, 08:33:26 PM »
It took 4 tries but I finally qualified.  Until tonight, I got some ridiculous categories for my first question (assassination attempts, inventions by year created including the pneumatic tire and circular saw, weights of brains of certain species).  My sister's 2nd question tonight was about putting milestones in cellular research in chronological order.  Youch.

The 5 questions were as follows.  Note that the order of the answers as I have them is not necessarily the order of the question.

1.  Place this scientific principle in order:  Of, Law, Multiple, Proportions.
2.  Placing sitcoms' debuts in order from most recent--Roseanne, Will and Grace, Living Single, Chico and the Man
3.  Placing 20th century events in order from earliest to most recent--Henry Ford creates the assembly line, Microsoft created, Sputnik launched, and the creation of the transistor.
4.  Place the following dishes in order based on their country of origin, starting at the Atlantic and going east--kimchee, paella, gyro, tiramisu
5.  The literature question about placing settings in geographic order starting at the Atlantic and going east, the one with A Day in the Life if Ivan Denisovich, Catcher in the Rye, Shogun, and Quo Vadis.  I would've gotten it right even if I didn't see it here first. :-P

Given I get the call, this is one of the rare times when I'll enjoy getting a phone call early on Saturday morning.

Answers, for those who are wondering:
1.  Law of Multiple Proportions.  Duh. :-P
2.  Will and Grace, Living Single, Roseanne, Chico and the Man
3.  Henry Ford, transistor, Sputnik, Microsoft
4.  Paella, tiramisu, gyro, kimchee
5.  Quo Vadis, A Day in the Life..., Shogun, Catcher in the Rye

Don Howard

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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #109 on: February 19, 2004, 08:39:26 PM »
Curses!! Busted out on the second question. And I knew I blew it as soon as I punched in the incorrect answer to a question asking to place events in Chinese history in their correct order. But you can't backtrack so that ends today's try at riches. There's always tomorrow and this $222,000,000 lottery ticket.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2004, 08:39:44 PM by Don Howard »


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #110 on: February 19, 2004, 11:44:06 PM »
Once again, I blew it. This phone game is a bitch this time around. I had to put Jim Carrey, Mariah Carey, Carrie Fisher and Carrie Nation in order. I think I got Jim and Mariah mixed up, and I knew it when I pushed the button for Jim Carrey first.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #111 on: February 19, 2004, 11:47:19 PM »
Here was the one, #3, that did me in:

Put these parts of a standard acoustic guitar in order, from top to bottom:
1. Neck
2. Headstock
3. Bridge
4. Sound hole
In a panic, I entered 2-1-4-3, and naturally got it wrong. :-(

Chuck Donegan (The Disappointed "Chuckie Baby")


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #112 on: February 19, 2004, 11:49:49 PM »
[quote name=\'hmtriplecrown\' date=\'Feb 19 2004, 08:33 PM\']5.  The literature question about placing settings in geographic order starting at the Atlantic and going east, the one with A Day in the Life if Ivan Denisovich, Catcher in the Rye, Shogun, and Quo Vadis.  I would've gotten it right even if I didn't see it here first. :-P
It seems that we're hearing more reports of questions showing up over and over again, even among our relatively small pool of players.  My sense is that the question universe is significantly smaller than before, since they figured on the limited duration of the game.  This would also seem to suggest that determined players could muscle their way into the qualification pool.

Little Big Brother

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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #113 on: February 20, 2004, 12:17:48 AM »
It seems that we're hearing more reports of questions showing up over and over again, even among our relatively small pool of players. My sense is that the question universe is significantly smaller than before, since they figured on the limited duration of the game. This would also seem to suggest that determined players could muscle their way into the qualification pool.

Hmmm, yes and no.  Back in the old phone game, I have gotten duplicate questions during the same call-in period.   Since this thing is automated, it would be unrealistic for them to come up with an exclusive list for each person who called for each night.  I don't know if there have been duplicates between call-in periods, but I doubt it would make much of a difference if there was.

As for determined players muscling their way in, that player would have to depend on:
1.  A correct listing of each and every question as posted by people who have called in
2.  Remembering all the questions that are gaps in your personal knowledge
3.  Punching in the numbers correctly (oops, my finger slipped)

Even if someone went to all of that trouble, that doesn't guarantee that they will get the call to play in the top ten qualifier.

By the way, has anyone been getting busy signals when calling?  I only got a busy signal once on the first night, but that may have been due to my clock being fast (7 pm for me may not match their computer's 7 pm).  If they managed to improve on that aspect, kudos to ABC!

Speedy G

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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #114 on: February 20, 2004, 12:29:39 AM »
I now have figured out my troubles with this blasted phone game.  I'll get a pop culture question, and be pretty sure about the ordering of three of them, and have not a clue where the fourth ends up.  Especially four celebrities...

Put these in order by birth, starting with the most recent.
1) Bill Cosby
2) Katie Holmes
3) Rick Schroder
4) Ray Romano

For some unknown reason, I guessed Rick Schroder would be older than Ray Romano.  2431 and game over for the night.  2341 is right, according to my 5 minutes of Googling.
Solar-powered flashlight, hour 4 of the Today show, the Purple Parrots.  *rips open envelope, blows into it*


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #115 on: February 20, 2004, 01:12:44 AM »
ARRRRGHHHH... so close tonight... got through the first 4 (which were relatively easy actually) and then missed the last one.

1) Sizes of olives (huh!?) small to large - large, super colossal, jumbo, small
UH... ok (4-1-3-2)

2) Musicians first released albums starting with most recent - Sly & Family Stone, Alicia Keys, N Sync, LL Cool J (2-3-4-1)

3) Barnyard animals adult size small to large - Cow, Duck, Sheep, Turkey (2-4-3-1)

4) States electoral votes starting with most - NY, KS, IL, HI (1-3-2-4)

5) US Locations in geographical order starting with southernmost - Black Hills, Mojave Desert, Mt Rainier, Colorado Plateau

I believe I answered 2-4-3-1 but I think the right answer now that I think about it is 2-4-1-3   grrrrr... so close!!


Craig Karlberg

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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #116 on: February 20, 2004, 04:59:53 AM »
Nice to see Mike Klaus get in the Super Millionaire running.  As for the rest of us, we're stairing at Round 5 tonight.  Good luck.

As far as duplicate question reports go, I can neither comfirm nor deny that.  I think the computer "ramdomly" generates the order & placement of the questions in the phone game.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #117 on: February 20, 2004, 07:31:44 PM »
I think I'm about to quit the phone game til May...  It's obvious I must be a freaking moron...  One question right between last night and tonight...

Here are the two I missed...

Thursday night...

Put the following artists in the order they won the Best New Artist Grammy -- earliest first.

> > Arrested Development
> > Men At Work
> > Carly Simon
> > Paula Cole
> >
> > probably flipped Cole and AD...

A friend of mine noted:

>You went Cole before AD, I take it?

... which I did.

And another Llama tonight...

Put the following sounds in order from least # of decibels to the most -- what they produce...

Jet plane at takeoff
Normal conversation

Put the conversation louder than the typewriter.

Not only is that an ambiguous question -- to me, a normal conversation gets quite loud...

I thought I was smart.  I may seriously have to throw in the towel for the February series, because this is getting me to the point where I may have to consult a neurologist to see if the psych meds and the headbanging I've done have damaged my brain to the point that I'm no longer as smart as I think I am.

Five right in five nights?  Sheez...

Has anyone on this group done WORSE????


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #118 on: February 20, 2004, 08:26:08 PM »
I keep getting obscure artsy crap.  Just so the rest of you failing out there know, you're not alone in /boggle-ing at your lack of success.  Some of these questions are awfully tough.  I got asked about four movies that were released within a year of each other in the 70s.  That hardly seems like a legitimate test of knowledge and deduction ...


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #119 on: February 20, 2004, 08:48:40 PM »
0 for 5. This is getting insane for me. I'm a history buff and I lose on a history question. Figures.

Question THREE again.

Put these civil war event in order they occured, starting with earliest

1) Gettysburg Address        November 1863
2) Battle of Gettysburg        July 1863
3) Lincoln's Inauguration     March 1861
4) South Carolina secedes   December 1860.

As has become the norm for me, I switch two answers up.

Correct answer- 4-3-2-1

And I say 4-3-1-2.

Honestly thought SC seceded after his inauguration but I was wrong. This is coming back in May, I've just read? I hope so even though it hasn't even aired yet. God, I hope this gets monumental rating so it is brought back for May sweeps.

And my #2 was just dumb luck. If you're asked, the order of clothing designers introduced is Gucci, Polo, Guess and Sean John. That was a pure guess on the first two.
Good luck.