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Author Topic: Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight  (Read 35188 times)


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #150 on: February 23, 2004, 12:34:15 PM »
[quote name=\'rigsby\' date=\'Feb 23 2004, 11:58 AM\'] [quote name=\'fostergray82\' date=\'Feb 23 2004, 11:09 AM\']Place these songs in order of when they hit the Billboard Top 40, starting with the earliest:

1. Baby One More Time
2. 867-5309/Jenny
3. A Thousand Miles
4. Three Times a Lady

I knew this one...I really did. I put in 2-4-1-3, but it's 4-3-1-2. [/quote]
I assume you meant 4-2-1-3, right? [/quote]
 You're right...4-2-1-3...thanks. :-)
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #151 on: February 23, 2004, 03:11:52 PM »
I blew a question on putting animal classifications in order. Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be going for the $10,000,000 unless miracles happen tonight and later.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #152 on: February 23, 2004, 05:50:46 PM »
[quote name=\'ezbidder\' date=\'Feb 23 2004, 12:06 PM\'] [quote name=\'rigsby\' date=\'Feb 23 2004, 10:15 AM\'] I'm hoping to get a call of some sort in the next hour and 45 minutes... [/quote]
did you get the call? [/quote]
 The only call I answered during that period was that of nature (and even then, I took the stupid cell phone with me...).


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #153 on: February 23, 2004, 08:04:10 PM »
[quote name=\'passwordplus\' date=\'Feb 16 2004, 09:34 PM\'] Supposedly missed a Roy Rogers question here. I forget what his nickname was, The King of (something) ...I entered 1324 and know I was right but it said I wasn't. Anyways, it was my first question. Oh well, try again Tuesday. [/quote]
 Obviously, if the computer buzzed you, you weren't right.

Try again, junior.
Phil 4:13


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #154 on: February 23, 2004, 08:31:02 PM »
Well, I (finally) got my 5 right--if the stars align, I'll get a phone call in the AM.  If so, maybe the 3rd time will be the charm?

(Fingers Crossed)


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #155 on: February 23, 2004, 08:55:19 PM »
0 for 8. I don't feel so bad on the last one but I finally made it to question 5 at least with not even knowing one of the movies on #4.

Put these dinosaurs in order of average estimated weight, starting with the lightest.

1) Tyrannosaurus Rex 7 Tons
2) Velociraptor            0.10 Tons
3) Triceratops             6 Tons
4) Stegasaurus           2 Tons

I know it would go either 2-3-4-1 or 2-4-3-1. I chose 2-3-4-1 and was wrong. I don't feel terrible on missing it as I couldn't skip two classes tomorrow to wait for the call anyway. I skipped my English class to watch a car chase, so that idea was out.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #156 on: February 23, 2004, 09:54:16 PM »
[quote name=\'uncrph90\' date=\'Feb 23 2004, 08:31 PM\'] Well, I (finally) got my 5 right--if the stars align, I'll get a phone call in the AM.  If so, maybe the 3rd time will be the charm? [/quote]
 If you get a call on your 3rd qualifying attempt, you're darn lucky.  I got my first and only callback thus far on about my 40th try.

I do hope luck's on your side.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #157 on: February 23, 2004, 11:01:19 PM »
I do hope luck's on your side.

Thanks Mike,

Actually, IF (very, very BIG IF) I get a callback, it will be my third trip to NYC.  I went in Aug 99 and Jan 00, but I'm allergic to the Hot Seat.  (Curse that Fastest Finger round!)

Sorry I wasnt clear.  Hope I'm not too greedy!

Now it's only what--1500 to 1 against?  



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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #158 on: February 23, 2004, 11:10:54 PM »
[quote name=\'uncrph90\' date=\'Feb 23 2004, 11:01 PM\'] Actually, IF (very, very BIG IF) I get a callback, it will be my third trip to NYC.  I went in Aug 99 and Jan 00, but I'm allergic to the Hot Seat.  (Curse that Fastest Finger round!)

Sorry I wasnt clear.  Hope I'm not too greedy!

Now it's only what--1500 to 1 against? [/quote]
 You've been there twice?  You're a veteran!  You should have no problem getting there again. :-D

I figured the likelihood of getting a call in the first few days was between 500-to-1 against and 750-to-1 against.  Now, I'm guessing between 1500-to-1 and 2000-to-1.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #159 on: February 23, 2004, 11:27:12 PM »
You've been there twice? You're a veteran! You should have no problem getting there again. :-D

You're right--I'm easy--just call me--PLEASE!!

I figured the likelihood of getting a call in the first few days was between 500-to-1 against and 750-to-1 against. Now, I'm guessing between 1500-to-1 and 2000-to-1.

I'm thinking similar numbers.  A few busy signals could help too.  But I wonder, as much trouble as everyone here appears to be having, (and I assume/hope we are brighter than the average viewer/caller) if ABC's estimate of 6% correct response rate is a little high?  Perhaps fewer folks overall are making it into the pool.  (Or they could let 500K/night call in instead of 250K--we'll never know.  

Of course--1500 to 1 vs. 500 to 1--either way its LONG odds--but fun to think about!!



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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #160 on: February 23, 2004, 11:44:08 PM »
I made my final qualifiying attempt tonight, and I missed the fourth question.

Congrats to all who did make it.

Clay Zambo

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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #161 on: February 24, 2004, 12:49:09 AM »
I too tanked on q4 tonight, ironically missing the Composers' Birthdates question after making it past my nemesis, Geography.  I just checked the answers, and I'm pretty sure I was right--but obviously the computer knows best.  

Ah, well.  Congratulations to all who made it through all five.  We'll be rooting for you (and rooting for the show to be successful enough to give us all another chance during May sweeps).


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #162 on: February 24, 2004, 01:17:57 AM »
Holy WOW. This is the single most difficult question I have ever encountered:

Put the following books in order of their geographic setting, starting from the northernmost.


1. The Orchid Thief
2. The Alienist
3. A Seperate Peace
4. Tobbacco Road

Uhm... no.


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #163 on: February 24, 2004, 02:20:47 AM »
And I also missed question 4 tonight, which involved putting four movies I had actually heard of in order by release date.  Only thing I can figure out is that Fred said "most recent first" and I put the earliest one first.

All of you who managed to qualify are geniuses.  Congratulations.
trainman is a man of trains


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Super Millionaire Phone Game Starts Tonight
« Reply #164 on: February 24, 2004, 02:26:23 AM »
My final call tonight was as follows...

Arrange the words to form a popular ad campaign:
1. The  
2. Egg
3. Edible
4. Incredible

No tricks involved, I key in 1-4-3-2, and it's onto Q2...

Arrange these cities on the Missisippi River, starting w/northernmost:
1. Memphis
2. Baton Rouge
3. St. Louis
4. St. Paul

Being something of a geo expert, I know it's 4-3-1-2, and here comes #3...

Put these artists in order by when they first had a Top 40 hit, starting w/earliest:
1. Jason Moratz(sp?)
2. Madonna
3. Mary J. Blige
4. Can't remember

Anyway, whatever the correct order was, I got it...question 4?

Put these phrases in the order they appear in the preamble to the Constitution, starting w/the first:
1. Promote the general welfare
2. Ensure domestic tranquility
3. Establish justice
4. Provide for the common defense

I was unsure on 1 and 4, but took an educated guess of 3-2-4-1, and was miraculously right...now it's onto question 5, which will determine if I'm either awaiting a qualifying call or kicking myself for not being in that position because I screwed up.

My final question? Put these Martin Scorsese films in order by release, starting w/most recent:
1. Cape Fear
2. Gangs of NY
3. The Color of Money
4. Raging Bull

I thought I had it wrapped up...and then choked when the final choice was read, unable to remember when RB was released (something a search on Yahoo might have confirmed for me, but as I said, I choke under pressure, never mind that I was right by my computer and online...LOL), and ended up keying in 2-4-3-1, depriving myself of the final chance to qualify.

As it turns out, the 2nd hit on Yahoo shows "Raging Bull (1980)"

Oh well, given how well the premiere did, maybe next series. Congrats to those who qualified, my apologies to those like me who didn't...hope next time around's better for all of us.

Chuck Donegan (The Deeply Disappointed "Chuckie Baby")