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Author Topic: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020  (Read 22552 times)


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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2020, 12:20:36 PM »
Well, no acquisitions but this isn't bad at all! Looks like Call My Bluff and Get the Message are the premieres and Say When & Split Personality are the pilots.
Pretty stoked about Call My Bluff, was never successful at securing the episode sitting in a few collections. If the date is accurate, it's not the same episode.
I don't think the GTM premiere has been circulated, either?
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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2020, 12:35:04 PM »
Looking forward to this. I never saw "Call My Bluff" or "Split Personality" before.

Matt Ottinger

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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2020, 12:48:36 PM »
Has Split Personality ever aired?  I seem to remember only having a cruddy, well-traveled collectors' VHS dub.
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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2020, 12:50:00 PM »
Has Split Personality ever aired?  I seem to remember only having a cruddy, well-traveled collectors' VHS dub.
Pretty sure not, nor has the Say When pilot. Will be nice to have them in mint.
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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2020, 01:25:53 PM »
Good: Thought they might have an "all B&W block" this year.

Bad: No Beat The Clock from the ABC run. [(King Leonardo)CONFOUNDIT!!!!!(/kl)]

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Chelsea Thrasher

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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2020, 02:45:35 AM »
I know previews of new acquisitions are shiny and exciting but honestly?  The schedule's in a pretty good place at the moment as long as you don't take it for granted, and the money they could use for acquisitions (and most of what's left out there isn't going to be cheap) and time/money spent on transfers could easily be used to continue to bolster their existing lineup. 

Would it be amazing if they could make a deal with MGM for Marshall or Davidson's squares? Absolutely (caveat: Outside of stuff like Whew, Davidson's run of HS is one of the 2-3 shows I want to see again most and yes that's personal taste or a lack thereof); something like Celebrity Sweepstakes turning up would be incredible as a fan but likely cost more than the return on that money. And clearing up the licensing and legal issues with Hasbro to run Scrabble? Hoo boy.

You know what else would be phenomenal to see?  Any of the seven years of TTTT/six years of WML they haven't run.  Super Password from the last couple of years. Is the 1990 run of Let's Make a Deal available?  (Co production and Disney issues could complicate this). Password Plus from the Tom Kennedy era. Even something like Family Feud w/ Dawson, they've never run anything on the regular schedule prior to February 1980. Or go the other way and run the 1994 series.   If they want something a bit newer, what about the 2002 Beat the Clock reboot? It was honestly really good and they made quite a few episodes of it.  It'd be nice to see Bill Rafferty's two series get some love.

There's so much unmined material just within whatever they already have or probably have that they could keep it totally in house for a while still and still freshen up large swaths of the schedule.


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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2020, 10:43:01 AM »
Is the 1990 run of Let's Make a Deal available?  (Co production and Disney issues could complicate this).

I've always wondered who owns LMaD'90. I've read for years that Disney themselves own it, but couldn't that be confusing it for the other Clark/Greenberg show that was on the air at the time?


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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2020, 01:31:47 PM »
Is the 1990 run of Let's Make a Deal available?  (Co production and Disney issues could complicate this).

I've always wondered who owns LMaD'90. I've read for years that Disney themselves own it, but couldn't that be confusing it for the other Clark/Greenberg show that was on the air at the time?

Similarly I'd ask if anything distributed by 20th Century Fox now partially fell into Disney's hands (thinking Liars' Club, for instance).  But...Sony has the original $100K Pyramid despite Fox syndicating it.  Still, there's other shows whose syndicators provided a block to reruns (see: CBS = Cullen Pyramid; Colgate-Palmolive = $50K; [EDIT] NBCUniversal and Peter Rodgers with Davidson $100K.  Paramount with D. Davidson PIR...assume that would now be CBS Television Distribution too...) 
« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 09:26:42 AM by JMFabiano »
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2020, 05:16:44 PM »
I've always wondered who owns LMaD'90. I've read for years that Disney themselves own it, but couldn't that be confusing it for the other Clark/Greenberg show that was on the air at the time?

I just pulled up an ep. on YouTube, and I didn't see any Disney/Buena Vista logo at the end (just the mention of Disney/MGM Orlando as the taping location). I'm sure there's probably some confusion with "The Challengers" somewhere.

I'd probably think that between the 2 production companies, DCP would probably (still) hold the rights. But then again, Fremantle may have gotten a hold of it along with the other previous incarnations....?
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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2020, 05:51:15 PM »
The Davidson Pyramid, if I’m not mistaken, is split because they changed distributors and production companies in between seasons. At least part of it would be in possession of NBCUniversal (the second season) through succession. The first season was an Orbis Communications property, so I would assume whoever owns the distribution rights to Joker 90 also is in possession of that.
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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2020, 06:00:28 PM »
The Davidson Pyramid, if I’m not mistaken, is split because they changed distributors and production companies in between seasons. At least part of it would be in possession of NBCUniversal (the second season) through succession. The first season was an Orbis Communications property, so I would assume whoever owns the distribution rights to Joker 90 also is in possession of that.

I think that would be the Peter Rodgers Organization?  (who also hold the rights to Celebrity Bowling)

Second season was Multimedia Entertainment, who also distributed Donahue.  And yes, that's where NBCU comes in.
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2020, 07:49:48 PM »
I've always wondered who owns LMaD'90. I've read for years that Disney themselves own it, but couldn't that be confusing it for the other Clark/Greenberg show that was on the air at the time?

I just pulled up an ep. on YouTube, and I didn't see any Disney/Buena Vista logo at the end (just the mention of Disney/MGM Orlando as the taping location). I'm sure there's probably some confusion with "The Challengers" somewhere.

I'd probably think that between the 2 production companies, DCP would probably (still) hold the rights. But then again, Fremantle may have gotten a hold of it along with the other previous incarnations....?
Yep. AFAIK, LMAD was a Ron Greenberg and Dick Clark Production, being on NBC. It was “The Challengers” that was distributed by Buena Vista.
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-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Adam Nedeff

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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2020, 11:44:31 PM »
As for High Rollers, I'd assume only Wink's version is available? It's entertaining, but Trebek's was a gem.

All of the 1974-76 run High Rollers survives, which I learned only about a year ago. I'm honestly shocked that an effort hasn't been made to digitize some chunk of it because of the amount of goodwill name value Alex's name carries now.

One frustrating thing I've come to learn in the past few years is that much, MUCH more of certain things exist in various vaults than we realize, and the fact that we're not seeing it is a matter of economic sense. CBS has unedited, complete prints in black & white of the final year of Password that we've been seeing in their chopped up-for-syndication form all these years, but why bother with those when the average viewer is fine with seeing the cut up versions in color? Save for the first month or so, Bud Collyer's entire daytime To Tell the Truth exists in the CBS vaults, but why go to the trouble of making a deal with the CBS vaults and spending a small fortune converting them to a usable form when we already have the batch of prime time episodes in a form that's easier to work with?

(Video Village still exists, too.)

Bryce L.

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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2020, 01:03:50 AM »
One frustrating thing I've come to learn in the past few years is that much, MUCH more of certain things exist in various vaults than we realize, and the fact that we're not seeing it is a matter of economic sense. CBS has unedited, complete prints in black & white of the final year of Password that we've been seeing in their chopped up-for-syndication form all these years, but why bother with those when the average viewer is fine with seeing the cut up versions in color? Save for the first month or so, Bud Collyer's entire daytime To Tell the Truth exists in the CBS vaults, but why go to the trouble of making a deal with the CBS vaults and spending a small fortune converting them to a usable form when we already have the batch of prime time episodes in a form that's easier to work with?
Is Fremantle aware of the existence of these prints in CBS' possession?


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Re: BUZZR Lost and Found 2020
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2020, 01:41:40 AM »
Something I’d like to see on Buzzr is that 1969 “Match Game” with Peggy Cass and Tony Randall that one of the Paley Center branches has.

My inner nerd that’s fascinated with preservation would like to see a color tape and B&W kinescope from that final year of “Password” edited together so that we could see exactly how much had to be cut from each episode. (Don’t know if general viewers would appreciate that approach, however, given the inevitable shifting in picture and audio quality.)