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Author Topic: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts  (Read 10956 times)

Sonic Whammy

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New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« on: August 29, 2020, 10:23:04 PM »
Periodically over the years, we've seen TV Guide, GSN and other places do some kind of "greatest game shows" list. And in turn, we here have been periodically inspired to do our own to see where we stand versus professional opinion.

Well, it's 2020, and I think it's been a while since we did one of these. But this time, instead of the same ol' same ol', my mind took me in a different direction.

We associate certain game shows with one particular host. But when those hosts leave, or new versions, reboots, etc. come along, new hosts step in. And a good number of those successors have left their own impressive stamp on that show.

And over this next week, I want to know who the best of those hosts, past and present, are.

Brian Sapinski

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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2020, 11:06:10 PM »
Is "succession" the word you meant to use?



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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2020, 12:20:40 AM »
I also don't quite get the point here.
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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2020, 11:22:36 AM »
I’ll probably play. I’m bored.
Are we eliminating hosts who did only a pilot from consideration?


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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2020, 12:57:33 PM »
This has actually crossed my mind before. I submitted a list, which was easier than I thought it would be.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Sonic Whammy

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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2020, 05:48:39 PM »
Is "succession" the word you meant to use?
I'll admit that I had a hard time coming up with a term here. I didn't want to simply say "new" host, and "transitional" sounded temporary. Successional was the best word I found in asking around. But I'm open to something if someone has a better suggestion.

But to clarify the point of the survey. We've done the "who's the greatest host ever" time and again, and the same names of yesteryear will always come up, as well they should. And a large reason for those hosts having their iconic status is that they've become so identified with the show that is usually just as heralded. "(Insert show here) is (insert host here)'s show."

But many of these heralded franchises had someone who came along at some point later in the show's history that left significant impacts as well, some so good that it even if you say "He's never be as good as (insert host here) was", you still think he's an excellent host of that show.

So the question is: Who over the history of the genre has done the best job of stepping into the shoes of the legends?
Brian Sapinski

Just Brian Sapinski... for now

Mike Tennant

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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2020, 07:32:58 PM »
What if the same person qualifies for two different shows? I'm thinking in particular of Bob Barker on both Truth or Consequences and The Price Is Right, but I'm sure there are other examples. Do I list the person twice or just once?


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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2020, 11:32:55 PM »
I've submitted my ballot. Some of my choices actually are the hosts most closely associated with their shows, but they are eligible because they weren't the first hosts of those shows.

Chelsea Thrasher

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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2020, 01:22:53 AM »
The game show version of wins above replacement.  I am SO in.

Without going into detail about who I voted for, things I considered, along with a generic example of each:

Popularity and longevity of the replacement host's version of the show vs. the preceding version.  Alex Trebek's Jeopardy run is closing in on 40 years, replacing Art Fleming whose three runs lasted 11, 1, and 0.5 years.

Host's own contributions to the game and to the show.  You need a sample size of one episode each to see how fundamentally different Password Plus w/ Tom Kennedy ca. 1982 is from Super Password w/ Bert Convy ca. 1984, beyond just fixing the format or building a new set.   

Since the ballot also requires the show name, I considered each individual succession (ie a new team) to be eligible for a separate ballot. The aforementioned Tom Kennedy would be eligible for separate listings for Password Plus and his nighttime version of The Price is Right.

A host that departs then returns is eligible for the return.  Monty Hall on the 1990 run of Let's Make a Deal comes to mind immediately.

Temporary hosts and pilot-only hosts were not considered.  Richard Kline does not get compared to Robin Ward (one of Kline's TTTT90 pilots aired instead of the premiere on the east coast), nor does Trebek get compared to fill-in host Mark Goodson from later in the same run.   Robin Ward -> Gordon Elliott -> Lynn Swann -> Alex Trebek -> John O'Hurley.

Entire canon of the genre in it's broadest view (anything with a game element) was at least considered.  Dating Game has had multiple host changes; so has The Mole. Not always for the better. 

Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour was considered part of the succession order for both series.  This changes nothing for Match Game; John Davidson succeeds Jon Bauman.

In cases where two concurrent runs of the show with different hosts aired, the second host to debut was considered the successor.  If the shows debuted in the same broadcast week, they were considered simultaneous successors to the first host.  Dennis James and Bob Barker both succeeded Bill Cullen; Bill Rafferty was compared to Bob Eubanks.  "Who was the last person viewers saw host this show before this person?"


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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2020, 01:36:20 PM »
Fun idea.

Question: I assume situations where a new series was given a different name & fairly significant overhaul, but kept the same basic game idea and is generally considered in the same lineage as its predecessor, are eligible (i.e., Tomarken as successor for Second Chance/Press Your Luck, or Convy for He Said, She Said/Tattletales)?

Chuck Sutton

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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2020, 07:03:11 PM »

A host that departs then returns is eligible for the return.  Monty Hall on the 1990 run of Let's Make a Deal comes to mind immediately.

Temporary hosts and pilot-only hosts were not considered.  i

So would Regis Philbin(Super Millionaire,  10th Ann.)   Be a return or temporary since they were both short run?


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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2020, 07:10:36 PM »

A host that departs then returns is eligible for the return.  Monty Hall on the 1990 run of Let's Make a Deal comes to mind immediately.

Temporary hosts and pilot-only hosts were not considered.  i

So would Regis Philbin(Super Millionaire,  10th Ann.)   Be a return or temporary since they were both short run?

Keep in mind that this is just one person’s criteria; if you feel different then vote as you will.

Me, I would count them as returning, at least in the case of Super Millionaire because they got two series out of it. The one Regis run I’m inclined to not count is his week of hosting the syndicated series.
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

“We’re game show fans. ‘Weird’ comes with the territory.” - Matt Ottinger, 2022

Sonic Whammy

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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2020, 01:30:01 AM »
Good googa mooga, you thought this through even past me.

Most of what you said here, I had the same thoughts in mind as I wrote the question to different degrees as I'm trying to submit an answer for the polls myself. Let me break down the key ones:

Since the ballot also requires the show name, I considered each individual succession (ie a new team) to be eligible for a separate ballot. The aforementioned Tom Kennedy would be eligible for separate listings for Password Plus and his nighttime version of The Price is Right.
Yes. And that's why I asked for the show, too. There might be a host or two who qualifies more than once, and it's just as much about the show they took over as it is the host themselves.

A host that departs then returns is eligible for the return.  Monty Hall on the 1990 run of Let's Make a Deal comes to mind immediately.
Not really. The idea I was going for here is to first find a host of a franchise that it's widely agreed that "He is "Mr. (show)", and from there determine if anyone else that ever hosted the show after him knocked it out of the park. In your example, Monty already is Mr. Let's Make A Deal, his comeback after Bob Hilton got the ax doesn't raise or succeed his already iconic status. How can he fairly appear on the list of "Best LMAD host ever" TWICE, you know?

Temporary hosts and pilot-only hosts were not considered.
Correct. Backing up what I said in the previous statement, I didn't know we thought Mike Wallace or Richard Kline were given the crown of Mr. To Tell The Truth. Mark Goodson, either.

Entire canon of the genre in it's broadest view (anything with a game element) was at least considered.  Dating Game has had multiple host changes; so has The Mole. Not always for the better. 
Of course.

Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour was considered part of the succession order for both series.  This changes nothing for Match Game; John Davidson succeeds Jon Bauman.
Technically, yes, in this unique case.

Popularity and longevity of the replacement host's version of the show vs. the preceding version.  Alex Trebek's Jeopardy run is closing in on 40 years, replacing Art Fleming whose three runs lasted 11, 1, and 0.5 years.

In cases where two concurrent runs of the show with different hosts aired, the second host to debut was considered the successor.  If the shows debuted in the same broadcast week, they were considered simultaneous successors to the first host.  Dennis James and Bob Barker both succeeded Bill Cullen; Bill Rafferty was compared to Bob Eubanks.  "Who was the last person viewers saw host this show before this person?"
These are the two items here that I'll be the most curious about everyone's arguments for, because I'm torn. The second item is definitely a grayer area than the first one, I'll say that much. As for the first item, can it be possible that a show has had more than one true "Mr. (show)" during its history? I guess it will depend on if you think that for the time, the first guy was THAT genuinely synonymous with the show that the public said "you can't do (show) without him".

I hope this answer a lot of the questions for anyone still debating. It's a tough question, I think. I'm still struggling for my own vote. (Not looking at any of yours to prevent influence)
Brian Sapinski

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Re: New Survey: Greatest Succession Game Show Hosts
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2020, 05:54:13 PM »
Sonic: Do you have the results yet, or are you still working on them?

Sonic Whammy

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Results coming tomorrow
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2020, 01:38:59 AM »
I do, I've been a little caught up in final preparations for my virtual teaching job starting up tomorrow afternoon.

A few disclaimers, as I have shared the results already with a few people outside this forum today on Facebook.

1) Of the 38 official ballots I received, there were some of you here that I had to reach out to because of portions of your vote that had to be disqualified because the host you selected was either:
A) the first host the show ever had, meaning they were not a "successor",
B) the host did not replace a legend who was synonymous with the show in their time, which was a criteria I had set for this (this happened more often, with the biggest names being Jim Perry for Sale, Wink for Tic Tac and Kennedy for Name That Tune, sorry about that).

Some of you responded to my emails and adjusted your ballots accordingly, where others did not get back to me or opted not to change. In those cases, I removed the names that did not count and adjusted the scores on those ballots based on how many acceptable names there were on it. (So, say there were only 6 valid names, then the top name got 6 points, then 5, 4, etc.) I felt this was more fair to the process rather than just throwing the ballots out, and a show of kindness in entertaining me in this opinion of the masses.

2) In total, I got 47 name/host combinations. Looking at the results, I settled on a Top 9 for the final reveal (though I will entertain anyone who wishes to know where/if a certain host made the list). I wanted more, but seeing as the Top 9 were the only ones to garner at least 10 votes (they all got at least 15, actually), it seemed more official to cut it there. I admit that this ticked me off a little because of who ended up at #10 but only got 9 votes. I'll explain why tomorrow.

3) The biggest thing that I cannot stress enough is that when you all read the results of this, don't forget that this was a poll for the fans, by the fans, and done purely for fun and amusement. This is not an end-all 10 Commandments set in stone edict that must be obeyed for generations to come. Debate is encouraged, but please do not harass. I have to stress this because one person that I told the results to on Facebook today lost his mind over who ended up as #1, believing that this host should not have counted because no one today who's not a game show fan like us knows who the guy before him was. This has lead this person to believe I somehow rigged this survey. That is not my style, and you all know that I offered no encouragement to any of you on who to vote for, only who did not qualify. As a discrete math teacher, I always stress that this or any other style of voting is an imperfect science, especially one based on opinion like this (which the guy's wife even backed me up on to no avail). So again, just have fun with it and don't take it too seriously.

OK, I'm going to sleep, see you all tomorrow. (And if you know the results from FB, don't spoil it.)
Brian Sapinski

Just Brian Sapinski... for now