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Author Topic: Buzzr Merch  (Read 13480 times)


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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2020, 01:11:31 PM »
I don't think you could have put it any better...they want to be better and really serve the hardcore fans but they just don't quite know how to do it want to spend the money on it...



I don’t know if that’s fair. This is a small diginet dedicated to allowing a company (Fremantle) showcase its library that is otherwise sitting there. They’ve brought us shows we haven’t seen regularly in years (black and white The Price is Right, Concentration, and Classic Concentration), while keeping a lineup of favorites and doing stunts that allow us to see rarely-seen gems. I think they legit do care and spend the money that they can for what this endeavor is.


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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2020, 07:24:04 PM »
I’ll say this: they went with more exciting To Tell The Truth and I’ve Got a Secret logos, but completely ignored the 1970s Password logo or even deciding just to go with Password Plus or Super Password... choices.

Right? I'd buy Password Plus in a second.
How about that Password '75 logo? The early '70s logo with all its hexagons would make a great one too.


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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2020, 08:20:11 PM »
How about that Password '75 logo? The early '70s logo with all its hexagons would make a great one too.

Ultimately, the conclusion is: there were so many options for Password logos and they chose the worst one lol


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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2020, 03:29:52 PM »
I ordered a BUZZR shirt last Friday.  It arrived within the last hour.  The fit is good, the shirt material has a decent thickness.  I'd buy from them again if they ever offer a MGHS shirt.  Yes, I'm that guy.


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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2020, 07:42:16 PM »
I ordered a BUZZR shirt last Friday.  It arrived within the last hour.  The fit is good, the shirt material has a decent thickness.  I'd buy from them again if they ever offer a MGHS shirt.  Yes, I'm that guy.

You're valid, I'd much rather buy a weird/obscure game show logo shirt than one with, say, the Family Feud logo.  Speaking of, my Tattletales shirt arrived a few days ago and I can cosign this.  Great fit (and I'm a big person in the first place) and would definitely buy from again.
- CC Kirby


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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2020, 07:54:06 PM »
I don't think you could have put it any better...they want to be better and really serve the hardcore fans but they just don't quite know how to do it want to spend the money on it...


I don’t know if that’s fair. This is a small diginet dedicated to allowing a company (Fremantle) showcase its library that is otherwise sitting there. They’ve brought us shows we haven’t seen regularly in years (black and white The Price is Right, Concentration, and Classic Concentration), while keeping a lineup of favorites and doing stunts that allow us to see rarely-seen gems. I think they legit do care and spend the money that they can for what this endeavor is.

I don't mean to poo-poo their efforts...in fact, I applaud them tremendously, especially when considering how the mighty GSN has fallen over the years...I just think that they miss the mark at times and in places that could have been otherwise likely avoided...case in point, selling merch...if you want it to sell at a rapid rate, you would think they'd want it to be as attractive and colorful as to catch the buyer's eyes more easily...I mean, the buyer will bear the cost of the added colors and such so why not make your merch a must-have?



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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2020, 10:29:18 PM »
I don't mean to poo-poo their efforts...in fact, I applaud them tremendously, especially when considering how the mighty GSN has fallen over the years...I just think that they miss the mark at times and in places that could have been otherwise likely avoided...case in point, selling merch...if you want it to sell at a rapid rate, you would think they'd want it to be as attractive and colorful as to catch the buyer's eyes more easily...I mean, the buyer will bear the cost of the added colors and such so why not make your merch a must-have?

I can appreciate that. Like I said, some of their choices were off (why Password’s 1960s logo?) and it’d be nice if the colors matched the shows better (Body Language legit had colored sweatshirts, why not recreate those?). But I do appreciate that they’ve put some effort in — we’ve never gotten stuff like this before and I’m happy we’re at least getting something now.


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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2020, 06:44:50 PM »
Update: I got a few of these for Christmas (at my request). They’re not the softest shirts and the logos on them are a bit... blurry (like they were uploaded from a smaller JPEG maybe), but I still do appreciate the effort :)


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Re: Buzzr Merch
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2021, 08:43:24 PM »
Update: they’ve added shirts with the Pax Supermarket Sweep logo. (Additionally, the new version of Sweep has its own extensive collection at TeeSpring.)