I know on Meredith's Millionaire, she always makes a point of saying "Computer, randomly take away 2 of the wrong answers." And a good deal of the time, the contestant is left with one obviously wrong answer, thus knowing the right answer. However, I thought that on Regis' Millionaire, the 50/50 lifeline usage was PREDETERMINED (read: it seemed like after $1,000, if you used 50/50, you'd ALWAYS get the 2 answers you thought it was anyway...)
On Meredith's show, the 50/50 can be pretty powerful (as long as your luck is good). On Regis' show, I thought 50/50 was useless (I didn't watch the late stages of its run as I was in Basic Training).
So on the old Millionaire in the last season, and on this Super Millionaire, are the answers you'll be left with PREDETERMINED or are they truly randomized? It makes a HELL of a difference...anyone in the know, know?

Surely one of the previous Millionaire contestants had to have that question when they went thru the process...
I always remember hearing Regis say that no matter what the contestant said, it wouldn't influence 50/50. THAT I agree with, but there's still a heck of a difference between random or not.
Bueller? Anyone?