On the topic of last night's mad tv...
The Lillian Verner game show they did last night still has me laughing. That announcer, when he used that big lint thing or whatever it was, I couldn't stop laughing.
That was an absolute SCREAM! I laughed so hard when they brought out the item... my friend actually got an "Airzooka" for Christmas

It brings out the best in us at the campus radio station.
And the "One For The Road" clip was the best. I very much wish I had taped it last night... did anybody happen to tape it and would be willing to make a copy?
The "One for the road" clip is one of the funniest things I've seen on Mad (or any other show) for quite a long time.
I have it on tape but alas I have no way to upload it!
And sure, the 70's TPIR had many "liberties" in it, but it was good fun nevertheless. MadTV is really good in the fact that it does several GS parodies a season these last few years... already this year I've seen a WoF parody, H2, and of course you can't forget Lillian Verner...