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Author Topic: Match Game 7x - did it naturally run its course?  (Read 10622 times)


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Re: Match Game 7x - did it naturally run its course?
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2021, 02:58:16 PM »
I didn't realize WCBS only had TTD for a year and a half. I do recall it aired at 11 followed by Bullseye in 81-82 after moving them from the6pm hour.
You sure about Bullseye running on WCBS? I remember watching it on WOR at 7, at least for the first season when it was paired with Face The Music. And I'm pretty sure Price Is Right was firmly ensconced in CBS's 11 AM network slot by then. Uncle Walter and Dan Rather both would have had some words if CBS's flagship O&O had pre-empted The CBS Evening News for a game show.

Sorry my post wasn't clear enough. TTD and Bullseye were airing on WOR at 11 and 11:30 against TPIR. Before that switch, they aired at 6PM and 6:30 on WOR. Treasure Hunt aired at 7 :00 or 7:30. and I'm pretty sure also moved to earlier in the day as the season progressed.

aaron sica

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Re: Match Game 7x - did it naturally run its course?
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2021, 03:34:59 PM »
Don't recall WCBS having any of those at 4 pm.

Doing a quick check, WCBS aired the 4pm network offering at 4pm until "Tattletales" premiered. At that point, "Barnaby Jones" took the 4pm slot. From that point on, WCBS aired the 4pm network offering at noon.

Jeremy Nelson

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Re: Match Game 7x - did it naturally run its course?
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2021, 09:11:06 PM »
I think shows of that type have a bit of a shelf life before they don't quick work anymore.


The fact that the 70s version stayed for so long and no version since has touched the hem of its episode count is a testament to how impressive it was to keep it going through 1982. It's hard to consistently write material that plays well and assemble a solid cast.

I don't ever see the show reaching its 70s popularity, but I could see the networks dusting it off for primetime spurts ala ABC every decade or so.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.