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Author Topic: Nice to see you...  (Read 6609 times)


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Nice to see you...
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2004, 03:58:58 PM »
[quote name=\'JRaygor\' date=\'Feb 24 2004, 01:50 PM\']Out of curosity, is Bruce's PIR still on the air ? And if it isn't, how long did it ran ?[/quote]
It's not presently on, as Bruce did return to the BBC and his new show "Didn't They Do Well?", as noted by Travis.  "Bruce's PIR" and the previous incarnation were both on ITV.

As to how long "Bruce's PIR" lasted, I'll have to leave that to the Brits on the group.


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« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2004, 06:59:42 PM »
[quote name=\'JRaygor\' date=\'Feb 24 2004, 01:50 PM\'] It should be noted for some who don't know, his version used almost all the cues and the theme to Davidson's TNPIR '94 and well as the same "loss" cue from our current version. [/quote]
 According to a post on Jump the Shark, "Bruce's Price is Right" wasn't the only foreign version of TPiR to use the classic "downward groan" and tuba horns when you lost. "El Precio Justo" in Spain also used the loss cue.

On "Game Show Central", it said that "Der Preis Ist Heiss" in Germany uses the old Score Productions theme song for its theme tune.

BTW, going off-topic here, I read somewhere that the host of "El Precio Justo", Carlos Lozano, is a huge Antonio Banderas fan, and wants to be a Hollywood icon like him.

Back on-topic, it could be worse for the British TPiR. They could change the title to "Dale's Price is Right" and get UK "Supermarket Sweep" host Dale Winton to replace Brucie.


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« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2004, 09:54:09 PM »
[quote name=\'gshowguy\' date=\'Aug 17 2004, 11:59 PM\'] Back on-topic, it could be worse for the British TPiR. They could change the title to "Dale's Price is Right" and get UK "Supermarket Sweep" host Dale Winton to replace Brucie. [/quote]
 You're onto something there. (Which makes a change from the usual refrain on this board, "You're on something, there".)

Dale is, I believe, pretty firmly contracted to the BBC; Price really isn't a very BBC sort of show.

However, give it ten years, and Dale will probably flip-flop between the networks at least once. I think he could do a very respectable version of Price; he's better than most at quickly generating a rapport with contestants and the reports I've seen from people who have been contestants on his shows suggest he's genuinely pleasant, which is a good start. Seems to me, too, that the Sweep is a relatively good training ground for Price not just in the fact that they are both pricing-related games but also in the fact that they have so many short subgames within the show that need to be explained quickly.

I reckon Dale's Price Is Right has a good 15% chance of happening over the next twenty years or so; the essential Price format is strong enough that it's likely to be worth another try and Dale could very well be the man for the job.



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« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2004, 07:27:57 PM »
Happily, that's not true. I caught a glimpse of Hot Streak when I could and I thought it was a solid game with a great host that ended up being squeezed out like the runt of the litter. Bruce deserved better.

I agree...the show was pretty good, but worth watching more so for Bruce...I always liked him, and it sucked that he couldn't get anything else on our shores after HS's quick death.

Chuck Donegan (The Illustrious "Chuckie Baby")