I introduced/you can blame me for the following stuff:
- The 5/1/89 episode of Now You See It, which I got from someone who liked game shows but was not at all a game show trader, so as a thank you for sending him stuff he sent me that along with a bunch of Garry Moore To Tell the Truth that I didn't have because he knew I liked that.
- The 11/23/67 daytime episode of To Tell the Truth. The second half of this episode is already out there, in color, but this is the full episode. Someone was selling the 16mm copy of this on eBay and said they'd include a DVD copy of it along with the film. Once I lost the auction (went well into a couple of hundred dollars), I contacted the seller and he was willing to sell me a copy of the DVD for like $20.
- The 10/24/60 nighttime episode of To Tell the Truth. The same seller from the other TTTT episode I mentioned contacted me a month later and was like "hey I happen to have another one of these if you want it". Lucked into it being one that was never reran by GSN or Buzzr because it's a short episode due to a John F. Kennedy Presidential campaign ad that bought out the last five minutes of TTTT's timeslot that night.
- Also I haven't had anyone besides a small handful of folks (Hi Adam!!) that have wanted them but I've got a handful of studio master Hot Potato episodes that I uh, again won in an eBay auction for like $15.
- Lastly, I haven't gotten around to digitizing them but I had someone a few days ago send me seven studio master tapes of the Nickelodeon game show Figure It Out and once I get those digitized I'll be making sure they get spread around.

The two To Tell the Truth episodes and the Now You See It that I mentioned are on
my YouTube!!