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Author Topic: Broadway Matinee Sunday on Buzzr  (Read 9883 times)

Chelsea Thrasher

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Re: Broadway Matinee Sunday on Buzzr
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2021, 04:21:33 PM »
Audrey Meadows made reference to being "married to the boss." Anybody know to whom was she referring?

At the time of the episode, Pierre Salinger (which was who she was talking about along with Peter) was a VP at Continental Airlines. Audrey's husband Bob (Robert) Six was CEO of the company.

Also: For those who missed any part of the marathon, here's a Google Drive link (valid for about a week or until taken down) with the whole thing. No commercials or promos.  Enjoy.  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/193cB1Wf4a6uFaI657y1zKo69v11Ym6ts?usp=sharing

Clay Zambo

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Re: Broadway Matinee Sunday on Buzzr
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2021, 06:17:26 PM »
Audrey Meadows made reference to being "married to the boss." Anybody know to whom was she referring?

At the time of the episode, Pierre Salinger (which was who she was talking about along with Peter) was a VP at Continental Airlines. Audrey's husband Bob (Robert) Six was CEO of the company.

Also: For those who missed any part of the marathon, here's a Google Drive link (valid for about a week or until taken down) with the whole thing. No commercials or promos.  Enjoy.  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/193cB1Wf4a6uFaI657y1zKo69v11Ym6ts?usp=sharing

Ah, that explains it.

And OMG thank you!


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Re: Broadway Matinee Sunday on Buzzr
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2021, 10:45:44 PM »

Deep down I was more curious how they arrived at "The couple hundred dollars tops (if that) being made from this 2:00 direct response spot absolutely justifies hacking out a minute and a half of the show that's actual content and creates a noticeable on-air edit".

I'll say this, I'm thinking like business strategist here, but I'm betting it was simply part of an overall ad revenue optimization strategy: all the time's worth of non-essential / non play-along chopped content from each series adds up cumulatively, and this was just part of it. If today's audience wants to know who the panel are and what they're known for, there's Google for that.

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Re: Broadway Matinee Sunday on Buzzr
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2021, 03:36:38 PM »

Deep down I was more curious how they arrived at "The couple hundred dollars tops (if that) being made from this 2:00 direct response spot absolutely justifies hacking out a minute and a half of the show that's actual content and creates a noticeable on-air edit".

I'll say this, I'm thinking like business strategist here, but I'm betting it was simply part of an overall ad revenue optimization strategy: all the time's worth of non-essential / non play-along chopped content from each series adds up cumulatively, and this was just part of it. If today's audience wants to know who the panel are and what they're known for, there's Google for that.
I also suspect that Buzzr might not have a choice in the matter. Pluto (and others of its ilk) likely require x number of minutes of insertable ad breaks as a part of the agreement with Buzzr.