Personally I cannot watch anything with Chuck Woolery anymore now that I know what a vile bigoted piece of shit he is in real life, separating the art from the artist is when one thing when you are talking about fictional media, I can still enjoy works by the likes of Mel Gibson and even Bill Cosby(and just about every other problematic individual in entertainment) as there's a degree of separation there since they are playing fictional characters(though those aren't without their awkward moments) but with a game show it's completely different and much harder to separate the show from what the host did since the show is trying to present the host in a good light and make them out to be charming(for the most part, unless they are putting on an act as a mean person ala Anne Robinson)and that falls apart if outside the show they make an ass of themselves.
I also have some issues with the Barker era of Price is Right knowing what a dick he was to some of the women on the show, he's been accused of sexual harassment more then once so while the man may have done a lot of good for animal rights, I just can't watch him on the show knowing what a creep he was behind the scenes.
It's pretty fucked up that a genuinely nice person like Trebeck died but an awful person like Woolery is still around somehow.
If you can still enjoy their old shows no judgement from me, but I personally just can't bring myself to watch them anymore.