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Author Topic: Are there any game shows you cannot watch because of the person hosting them?  (Read 18067 times)


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Personally I cannot watch anything with Chuck Woolery anymore now that I know what a vile bigoted piece of shit he is in real life, separating the art from the artist is when one thing when you are talking about fictional media, I can still enjoy works by the likes of Mel Gibson and even Bill Cosby(and just about every other problematic individual in entertainment) as there's a degree of separation there since they are playing fictional characters(though those aren't without their awkward moments) but with a game show it's completely different and much harder to separate the show from what the host did since the show is trying to present the host in a good light and make them out to be charming(for the most part, unless they are putting on an act as a mean person ala Anne Robinson)and that falls apart if outside the show they make an ass of themselves.

I also have some issues with the Barker era of Price is Right knowing what a dick he was to some of the women on the show, he's been accused of sexual harassment more then once so while the man may have done a lot of good for animal rights, I just can't watch him on the show knowing what a creep he was behind the scenes.

It's pretty fucked up that a genuinely nice person like Trebeck died but an awful person like Woolery is still around somehow.

If you can still enjoy their old shows no judgement from me, but I personally just can't bring myself to watch them anymore. 


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You might wanna take this to the Political forum. I’m not a fan of him either, but this isn’t where we talk about that kind of thing.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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  • Posts: 139
You might wanna take this to the Political forum. I’m not a fan of him either, but this isn’t where we talk about that kind of thing.

Oh I thought that was only for stuff completely unrelated to game shows?


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Nope. I'm even on record during a podcast saying that "someone should take away his internet access" but I can still set that aside to watch him hold court over Scrabble. Or Bob Barker on The Price is Right. It's just being able to portion that stuff out. I am more apt to not watch a show with a lousy host than someone that I disagree with.

I'm sure that wasn't the answer you were looking for, but there y'are.

EDIT: Vexing one: BFG was saying that maybe this wasn't the best place for this particular discussion.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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  • Posts: 139
Nope. I'm even on record during a podcast saying that "someone should take away his internet access" but I can still set that aside to watch him hold court over Scrabble. Or Bob Barker on The Price is Right. It's just being able to portion that stuff out. I am more apt to not watch a show with a lousy host than someone that I disagree with.

I'm sure that wasn't the answer you were looking for, but there y'are.

EDIT: Vexing one: BFG was saying that maybe this wasn't the best place for this particular discussion.

Vexing one what the heck?   ???

Anyways I know what he was saying, just surprised is all.


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As I posted when the new Supermarket Sweep premiered, I cannot stand Leslie Jones and she pretty much single-handedly ruined the revival for me. In fairness, I did tune in to a later episode and she seemed to have toned it down and was a bit more tolerable.

Personally, as long as they don't turn the show into a soapbox, a host's political beliefs don't really bother me either way. Everyone's entitled to their opinion and life experiences.
It's a well-known fact that Lincoln loved mayonnaise!

Jimmy Owen

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Not a fan of any host who, in the pre-show publicity, says something like..."I had never wanted to do a game show, but they offered me so much money I couldn't resist.."
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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  • Posts: 139
As I posted when the new Supermarket Sweep premiered, I cannot stand Leslie Jones and she pretty much single-handedly ruined the revival for me. In fairness, I did tune in to a later episode and she seemed to have toned it down and was a bit more tolerable.

Personally, as long as they don't turn the show into a soapbox, a host's political beliefs don't really bother me either way. Everyone's entitled to their opinion and life experiences.
Had no idea there was a revival of Sweep, I like Jones as an actress but I can't really picture her as a host.


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Not a fan of any host who, in the pre-show publicity, says something like..."I had never wanted to do a game show, but they offered me so much money I couldn't resist.."
9/10 that’s prolly a quote that the PR folks came up with, just tailored to sound like covering the host(ess) would say.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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I can’t change the channel fast enough when the current incarnation of Feud is on with that ignorant, egomaniacal, braying jackass Steve Harvey. His only goal is to create reaction moments for himself. He’s unwatchable.  Plus there’s this:


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  • Just leave the set; that’d be terrific.
I refuse to watch the new PYL.  Elizabeth Banks gives me the vibe of "Look at me!  I'm a game show host!"

Similarly, I won't be watching the new Quiz Bowl.  I tend to frown on those who commit sexual assaults.
Phil 4:13

Jeremy Nelson

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I can’t change the channel fast enough when the current incarnation of Feud is on with that ignorant, egomaniacal, braying jackass Steve Harvey. His only goal is to create reaction moments for himself. He’s unwatchable.
Problematic views aside, I miss his first couple of seasons, when he played straight man to the contestants, and half the surveys weren't written to elicit the "Steve Blank Stares In Your Direction Before Telling You That You're Going To Hell" TM reaction.

It's a shame, because he was really good then, and I'm not sure if he understands that he's now just part of the joke, not in on it.

As I posted when the new Supermarket Sweep premiered, I cannot stand Leslie Jones and she pretty much single-handedly ruined the revival for me. In fairness, I did tune in to a later episode and she seemed to have toned it down and was a bit more tolerable.
Leslie definitely had some over the top instances, but I chalked hers up to being an actual fan of the show, not someone actually putting on for the camera.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.


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I refuse to watch the new PYL.  Elizabeth Banks gives me the vibe of "Look at me!  I'm a game show host!"

Similarly, I won't be watching the new Quiz Bowl.  I tend to frown on those who commit sexual assaults.

Elizabeth does have some good moments, though.  There have been contestants she played off well in the "let's meet our players" segments. 

There's more moments I think she works more than, say, even Drew Carey.

As for the OP...well, mostly if it's a celebrity I am not a fan of will I not want to watch.  Or just someone who isn't a good host. 
« Last Edit: June 03, 2021, 11:38:11 AM by JMFabiano »
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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I've always had a hard time watching anything with Jim Lange. He just doesn't come off as sincere or really engaging to watch.
-William https://www.donorschoose.org/classroom/cpsbermudez
"30 years from now, people won’t care what we’re doing right now." - Bob Barker on The Price is Right, 1983


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I've always had a hard time watching anything with Jim Lange. He just doesn't come off as sincere or really engaging to watch.
Jim runs his games fine. He just doesn't do well with anything beyond it.