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Author Topic: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv  (Read 8055 times)


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Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« on: June 05, 2021, 01:48:32 AM »
No idea how long they've been there, but presumably to tie into the current version, Tubi.tv has added a selection of Jim Lange Name That Tune episodes.

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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2021, 07:51:23 PM »
Wow, that's something I never expected to see pop up, especially with the usual supposed hurdles around music licensing. I may be in the minority, but definitely enjoyed this as a kid watching it on the Family Channel and will definitely check these out. Also, interesting to hear the various theme experiments during the first 5 shows.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2021, 11:57:13 PM »
I assume Tubi is free? Or maybe they pay you to stream it?


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2021, 09:16:18 AM »
I watched the first episode....what a curb stomp match.  What was interesting was that they put in fee plugs with the series theme song and logo. 

Tune Countdown needed to be replaced indeed...makes the Golden Medley feel redundant, and would have moreso when it came time for the Golden Medley Showdown to determine who won the $100K. 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2021, 09:33:43 AM »
I assume Tubi is free? Or maybe they pay you to stream it?
Free with ads.
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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2021, 08:10:40 PM »
I could have sworn that in one of the first three episodes during Bid-A-Note, the female contestant had to guess on 3 notes, but the piano player only played two notes, and there was an awkward look by said contestant expecting a 3rd note.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2021, 10:39:05 PM »
Was one of the pilots with the really obnoxious contestant included in this package of eps? Just curious.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2021, 02:56:01 AM »
Was one of the pilots with the really obnoxious contestant included in this package of eps? Just curious.

If you're thinking of Alfred...and you almost certainly are...his episode was not included. He was on the very first taped episode; when it comes to that first week, Tubi only has the second and fourth taped.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2021, 01:30:58 PM »
[Alfred] was on the very first taped episode; when it comes to that first week, Tubi only has the second and fourth taped.
Actually, looking at the episodes we have with that original set, I suspect Donna vs. Ken was the first taped: it has no graphics for the players' names (the others do), Jim interviews the players before explaining the format and going to Melody Roulette (the others put the interviews later in the show), and Jim spins the Melody Roulette wheels himself (the others have the players spinning the wheels as "masters of their own fate").
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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2021, 01:53:07 PM »
Wow, that's something I never expected to see pop up, especially with the usual supposed hurdles around music licensing. I may be in the minority, but definitely enjoyed this as a kid watching it on the Family Channel and will definitely check these out. Also, interesting to hear the various theme experiments during the first 5 shows.
My feelings almost entirely. I enjoyed watching the show as a kid, though I didn’t know much of the music. I can go about 50/50 now on identifying the songs in these episodes, though so many of them are old standards that are now highly obscure. (FWIW, I think they got the music mix on the new version about right, representing the 60s to now pretty well, and I can identify most of the tunes, though this new version definitely has its issues. But that’s a discussion for another thread.)

In any case, nice to see these Lange-era eps online.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2021, 09:29:53 PM »
I had forgotten how many different versions of the Melody Roulette wheels there were!  Obviously the pilot version, but then there was the smaller wheel with a narrow font, the larger wheel with a bold font was in two different positions (higher and lower), and the higher valued wheel when they went to one spin only.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2021, 09:54:58 PM by wxfrcaster »


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2021, 01:04:23 AM »
Maybe this belongs in the Show Summaries board, but I didn't want to start a new topic just for this.

I've been watching the episodes on Tubi from the start, and I just finished what they have labeled as S01:EP5 - Show #115, and holy cow. Beyond the Golden Medley, keep watching after you think the show is over for a jaw-dropping surprise, and an incredibly strange way they edited the video and audio to pull it off.

It sure seemed like Jim was talking to try and explain it and wrap up the show again, but they opted to not use his audio? Very, very strange, especially considering Ray did not give the correct title of the song.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2021, 01:13:35 AM »
That was indeed an odd moment, but I was more amused by the beginning of the episode. As soon as the two contestants were on the stage to play Melody Roulette, you can see multiple audience members walking in front of the camera in order to leave. Apparently the opportunity to watch Name That Tune wasn't compelling enough to get them to stay one second longer than necessary.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2021, 02:07:59 AM »
Haha yes, that was pretty bizarre. I imagine the director was probably screaming in the control room.


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Re: Name That Tune w/Jim Lange now on Tubi.tv
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2021, 11:00:59 AM »
OK, that's truly bizarre. I don't see why they didn't cut directly: (a) from the contestant saying the title to Jim announcing the win; or (b) from Jim calling for the judge to Jim announcing the win. Presumably something went really wrong with the re-take, which would explain why only saw the video from it. (They didn't check before everyone went home?)

Nevertheless, even given what the editors had to work with in terms of both content and technology, ending the show almost any other way would've been better. For comparison, I think of the times on original Pyramid when Dick announced that a Winner's Circle "loss" had, upon further review, been turned into a win. Even in such an awkward situation, I seem to remember Dick handling it very well ... which, of course, also means that the show was edited very well to make it look that way.