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Author Topic: Help: I’ve lost the videos of all of my game show appearances.  (Read 2611 times)


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  • ChristianCarrion.com
For some reason unbeknownst to me, my YouTube channel was suspended and deleted. I hadn’t posted in months, so for this to happen so suddenly—and for my appeal to be immediately denied—came as a huge shock to me. I had a few videos on there, and the most important one to me—my wedding announcement video from 2017—is also uploaded elsewhere. What I did unfortunately lose, however, is all the video of my game show appearances through the years. These are incredibly sentimental artifacts to me, and I’m heartbroken that they’re gone. I’m simply asking for help from those who can provide it, so that I can have copies of those shows once again.

The shows:

** FOUND ** The Price is Right (episode #4003K tape date 5/15/2007 air date 5/23/2007)
Millionaire syndicated (2 episodes, air dates late January 2010)
Hip Hop Squares (MTV2 season 1 episode, Fat Joe in center square, other contestant’s name is Sandy)
** FOUND **The Chase (GSN season 1, other contestants are Aaron/Moly)
** FOUND **Let’s Ask America (aired in late 2012 hosted by Kevin Pereira)
** FOUND **Match Game (ABC 2019, panel was Mario Cantone/Raven Simone/Hasan Minhaj/Caroline Rhea/Wayne Newton/Sandra Bernhard)

Any assistance for this heartbroken game show fan appreciated. Thank you!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 10:34:54 PM by DoorNumberFour »
Digital Media Producer, National Archives of Game Show History
"Tell Us About Yourself: Conversations with Game Show Contestants" available on all streaming services


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  • ChristianCarrion.com
Re: Help: I’ve lost the videos of all of my game show appearances.
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2021, 06:54:37 PM »
Bumping this topic to provide an update. Thanks to Adam Nedeff, Chuck Donegan, and several others, I've found all of my appearances except for the following:

Millionaire syndicated (2 episodes hosted by Meredith Vieira, air dates late January 2010)
Hip Hop Squares (MTV2 season 1 episode, panelists are Fat Joe; DeRay Davis; Drita D'avanzo; Asher Roth; DJ Ms. Nix; Lil Duval; Biz Markie; DJ Khaled; Sway -- other contestant’s name is Sandy)

I'm grateful for the help I've received so far, but would really love to complete this list. Any help appreciated. Thank you!
Digital Media Producer, National Archives of Game Show History
"Tell Us About Yourself: Conversations with Game Show Contestants" available on all streaming services


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Re: Help: I’ve lost the videos of all of my game show appearances.
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2021, 07:09:34 PM »
Is there a chance that MTV or VH1 will rerun that version of Squares?
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.

Jeremy Nelson

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Re: Help: I’ve lost the videos of all of my game show appearances.
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2021, 12:03:42 AM »
Is there a chance that MTV or VH1 will rerun that version of Squares?
Slim to none. They've built up such a log of the revamped episodes that I don't think they'll ever run Rosenberg's version again.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.