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Author Topic: Next Jeopardy! Host  (Read 40094 times)


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #150 on: August 27, 2021, 01:47:08 PM »
Past five years? Er? I was with him until that.

Made sense to me.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #151 on: August 27, 2021, 01:47:22 PM »
He's definitely positioning himself as if he has Sony over the barrel.  I'm hoping for a surprise reveral of fortune.

completely quasi-related reaction meme, if just for using big wheels in the background:


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #152 on: August 27, 2021, 01:48:37 PM »
Past five years? Er? I was with him until that.

Made sense to me.
Maybe you could learn a new skill. Perhaps it could be building bridges. You could use those bridges to get over things.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 02:01:59 PM by TLEberle »
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.

Jeremy Nelson

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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #153 on: August 27, 2021, 02:26:17 PM »
Past five years? Er? I was with him until that.

Made sense to me.
Maybe you could learn a new skill. Perhaps it could be building bridges. You could use those bridges to get over things.
...says the person who decided to pull three words from a fairly eloquent statement to discredit it.

Perhaps most people would have skated over that statement if you decided not to make a whole thing out of it.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #154 on: August 27, 2021, 04:13:55 PM »
Maybe you could learn a new skill. Perhaps it could be building bridges. You could use those bridges to get over things.

Yeah, so long as the health and lifestyle of myself and those I care about are in immediate danger as a result of actions taken since 2016, I'm going to go ahead and not get over it, thanks. If it was the usual high-level stuff that doesn't trickle down in any direct way to the populace, maybe you get to be flippant, but when there are masks on my desk because of a disease that won't go away because of shitbirds who would rather squeeze horse dewormer up their ass than get a known-effective vaccine on the say-so of a frozen dinner heir? No. Sit down.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #155 on: August 27, 2021, 04:37:05 PM »
He's definitely positioning himself as if he has Sony over the barrel.  I'm hoping for a surprise reveral of fortune.

completely quasi-related reaction meme, if just for using big wheels in the background:

*pushes glasses up nose* That's Funky Bridge, used as a prize cue.

/here's my lunch money
//ObThread: get Mike the hell away from Jeopardy! pronto. Whatever it takes.


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #156 on: August 27, 2021, 05:00:30 PM »
shitbirds who would rather squeeze horse dewormer up their ass

This is a serious question: is that how the dewormer is administered, or is it taken orally? I've never had a horse that needed deworming.

I've been vaccinated. Can I stop shoving an ultraviolet light tube up my bum as I drink my Lysol cocktail? (Not a serious question.)

So glad to be retired from a company that touts this shit on its cable network (the network that has over $4 billion in defamation lawsuits pending against it).


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #157 on: August 27, 2021, 05:09:54 PM »
This is a serious question: is that how the dewormer is administered, or is it taken orally? I've never had a horse that needed deworming.

I think the one the rubes are guzzling is the oral dispensation, but I believe there is a cream as well, and I saw something this morning about people asking if they could take it that way if they didn't like the taste. Dunno how serious it was, but we left Poe's Law in the dust way long ago on this one.

I've been vaccinated. Can I stop shoving an ultraviolet light tube up my bum as I drink my Lysol cocktail? (Not a serious question.)

You could, but why WOULD you?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #158 on: August 27, 2021, 05:39:13 PM »
I've been vaccinated. Can I stop shoving an ultraviolet light tube up my bum as I drink my Lysol cocktail?

You could, but why WOULD you?

Because "Q" told me to? "Q" had a really bad combover and was driving around in a golf cart.


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #159 on: August 27, 2021, 05:39:28 PM »
shitbirds who would rather squeeze horse dewormer up their ass

This is a serious question: is that how the dewormer is administered, or is it taken orally? I've never had a horse that needed deworming.

arguably the horse dewormer has been used for humans, but only for river blindness.  and that's not a symptom of covid last i checked.

and considering how many police unions have been railing against vaccine mandates and threatening lawsuits, i'm reminded of the song lyric that "some of those who work forces want the paste that's for horses."


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #160 on: August 27, 2021, 06:55:31 PM »
In another dimension to the story, AV Club is reporting (citing a paywalled Wall Street Journal report) that Ken Jennings is out of the running due to his "problematic tweets."


The Wall Street Journal reports that Jennings’ Twitter account contributed to him losing the job. One 2014 tweet in particular—“Nothing sadder than a hot person in a wheelchair”—was widely circulated in the lead-up to Jennings’ stint as Jeopardy! guest host, and also resurfaced when he came to the defense of his Omnibus co-host John Roderick during the latter’s “Bean Dad” fiasco. Jennings issued an apology on social media, but people familiar with the host-selection process told WSJ that Jennings’ image was tarnished by the tweets: Executives at Sony reportedly cooled on Jennings in response to his Twitter activity. The tweets are also said to have impacted focus groups’ reactions to Jennings. “The succession plan started unraveling” from there, the WSJ writes.

Paywalled: https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-the-jeopardy-host-succession-plan-went-sideways-11630065609


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #161 on: August 27, 2021, 07:53:38 PM »
In another dimension to the story, AV Club is reporting (citing a paywalled Wall Street Journal report) that Ken Jennings is out of the running due to his "problematic tweets."


The Wall Street Journal reports that Jennings’ Twitter account contributed to him losing the job. One 2014 tweet in particular—“Nothing sadder than a hot person in a wheelchair”—was widely circulated in the lead-up to Jennings’ stint as Jeopardy! guest host, and also resurfaced when he came to the defense of his Omnibus co-host John Roderick during the latter’s “Bean Dad” fiasco. Jennings issued an apology on social media, but people familiar with the host-selection process told WSJ that Jennings’ image was tarnished by the tweets: Executives at Sony reportedly cooled on Jennings in response to his Twitter activity. The tweets are also said to have impacted focus groups’ reactions to Jennings. “The succession plan started unraveling” from there, the WSJ writes.

Paywalled: https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-the-jeopardy-host-succession-plan-went-sideways-11630065609

Well, there go my chances of hosting Jeopardy! (like I ever had a shot).

That leaves David Faber, LeVar Burton and who else? Dr. Oz? Hey, they haven't auditioned Brian Dunkleman. Remember him?


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #162 on: August 27, 2021, 08:34:53 PM »
Let's see, Mark Walberg, Bob Goen, Todd Newton. Up until recently, Chris Harrison would have had a chance.


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"30 years from now, people won’t care what we’re doing right now." - Bob Barker on The Price is Right, 1983


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Re: Next Jeopardy! Host
« Reply #164 on: August 27, 2021, 09:57:06 PM »
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.