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Author Topic: Close calls....narrow escapes.....  (Read 192638 times)


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #465 on: March 31, 2022, 02:45:48 PM »
Maybe you can explain this one, then. The guide I'm sure most of us have been using lists the Betty White and Richard Kline shows as episodes #229 to #231. Back in January, when BUZZR aired its tribute to Betty, the schedules listed two of the Betty/Richard shows as #224 and #225. I'm at a loss to figure out where the mistake in the fan-compiled listings are, since I heavily doubt the actual master tapes of the show (which I'm sure is where BUZZR is pulling their episode numbers from) would be mislabeled like that.

That's the $64,000 question. (Not The $64,000 Question.) My guess is that either TV Guide erred or a change was made at production level. We will find out when those two weeks air in regular rotation.


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #466 on: March 31, 2022, 02:51:29 PM »
There was no 1/1/80 show due to the Cotton Bowl parade in the East, and the Rose Parade in the West.

Also no 1/3/80 show due to Magazine. Other 1980 pre-emptions due to Magazine are 2/7, 3/6, 4/3, and 5/1. There were no other known pre-emptions for the rest of the run.

Bryce L.

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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #467 on: March 31, 2022, 03:03:32 PM »
Looking ahead to next Wednesday 4/6, episode 176 will be skipped.  It would have originally aired on January 9, 1980.

Just throwing it out there...
Where are you getting listings with original airdates on them? The Buzzrtv.com link I have doesn't have the dates.
Calendars are amazing.
Problem is, calendars don't help when

1) you know there's an upcoming mistake in them, and
2) you have no way of knowing where the mistake is until you reach it.

Contemporary TV Guides and newspaper TV listings. This is how we know when pre-emptions occur for "Magazine", and regional pre-emptions for live coverage of the Papal visit (#112 was pre-empted in PDT 10/2/79, and #113 was pre-empted in EDT and CDT 10/3/79).

Let me clarify my original question: where are the listings that show which particular episodes are airing on Buzzr on particular days? For example, where can I find something that says that the 1/9/1980 episode isn't being aired by Buzzr?

There's the schedule for the 6th. If you open the source code for the page, it'll show the episode numbers for everything airing that day...

Wednesday, April 6, 2022
12:00am - Supermarket Sweep 7_2018
12:30am - The Newlywed Game 2_2048
1:00am - Match Game Hollywood Squares Hour 84_0148
2:00am - Classic Concentration 89_0459 (original airdate 2/24/1989)
2:30am - Classic Concentration 89_0475 (original airdate 3/27/1989)
3:00am - Family Feud 82_0043
3:30am - Family Feud 82_0044
4:00am - Match Game 75_0599
4:30am - Match Game 75_0600
5:00am - Match Game 77_0987
5:30am - Match Game 77_0988
6:00am - Paid Programming
6:30am - Paid Programming
7:00am - Through the Bible with Les Feldick
7:30am - Paid Programming
8:00am - To Tell The Truth 73_1691
8:30am - What's My Line? 73_1833
9:00am - Concentration 77_1324
9:30am - Now You See It 74_0101 (original airdate 8/21/1974)
10:00am - Card Sharks 79_0216 (original airdate 2/22/1979)
10:30am - Card Sharks 86_0153
11:00am - The Newlywed Game 2_2029
11:30am - Supermarket Sweep 4_1520
12:00pm - Match Game 78_1324
12:30pm - Match Game 78_1326
1:00pm - Classic Concentration 89_0498 (original airdate 4/27/1989)
1:30pm - Classic Concentration 89_0499 (original airdate 4/28/1989)
2:00pm - Password 67_0385
2:30pm - Password Plus 79_0250 - Celebrity guests: Barbara Rhoades & Bill Anderson (original airdate 12/20/1979)
3:00pm - Super Password 85_0250 (original airdate 9/10/1985)
3:30pm - Tattletales 75_0319
4:00pm - Press Your Luck 84_0287
4:30pm - Whew! 80_0177
5:00pm - Match Game 76_0785
5:30pm - Match Game 76_0786
6:00pm - Match Game 77_1039
6:30pm - Match Game 77_1040
7:00pm - Match Game PM 80_0626
7:30pm - Sale of the Century 88_1428 (original airdate 8/5/1988)
8:00pm - Classic Concentration 88_0160 (original airdate 1/1/1988)
8:30pm - Super Password 85_0297 (original airdate 11/14/1985)
9:00pm - Supermarket Sweep 7_2019
9:30pm - The Newlywed Game 2_2049
10:00pm - Match Game Hollywood Squares Hour 84_0149
11:00pm - Classic Concentration 88_0160 (original airdate 1/1/1988)
11:30pm - Super Password 85_0297 (original airdate 11/14/1985)

I took the liberty of fixing the "Barbara Rhoades and Bill A" listing for Password Plus, but the rest is pretty much exactly as is on the page.

That Don Guy

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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #468 on: March 31, 2022, 04:46:59 PM »
Let me clarify my original question: where are the listings that show which particular episodes are airing on Buzzr on particular days? For example, where can I find something that says that the 1/9/1980 episode isn't being aired by Buzzr?

There's the schedule for the 6th. If you open the source code for the page, it'll show the episode numbers for everything airing that day...

Look in the the source code - I had a feeling there was something I was missing...

Other 1980 pre-emptions due to Magazine are 2/7, 3/6, 4/3, and 5/1. There were no other known pre-emptions for the rest of the run.

So Roxie Roker and Dick Gautier appeared in six episodes from 5/7 through 5/14?


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #469 on: March 31, 2022, 05:04:50 PM »
Look in the the source code - I had a feeling there was something I was missing...

Ya know, how hard would it be to Greasemonkey that information out onto the actual rendered page?

/says the guy who has never Greasemonkeyed anything in his life
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #470 on: April 01, 2022, 09:06:53 AM »
Other 1980 pre-emptions due to Magazine are 2/7, 3/6, 4/3, and 5/1. There were no other known pre-emptions for the rest of the run.

So Roxie Roker and Dick Gautier appeared in six episodes from 5/7 through 5/14?

That is my understanding based on TV Guide listings.


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #471 on: April 01, 2022, 10:04:32 PM »
Other 1980 pre-emptions due to Magazine are 2/7, 3/6, 4/3, and 5/1. There were no other known pre-emptions for the rest of the run.

So Roxie Roker and Dick Gautier appeared in six episodes from 5/7 through 5/14?

That is my understanding based on TV Guide listings.

Someone on another forum alerted me to a potential news-related pre-emption on April 25 for coverage of the failed hostage rescue in Iran, which happened the previous evening DC time. This would have bumped Jack Carter and Meredith MacRae's last two episodes (#250-251) to 4/28-4/29, and Robert Mandan and Joan Prather's week (#253-256) forward by a day to 4/30, 5/2, 5/3-5/7 (with intervening Magazine and weekend), making Roxie Roker and Dick Gautier's week (#257-261) a 5-episode week from 5/8-5/9 and 5/12-5/14 (with an intervening weekend).

A bump would explain why TV Guide lists six episodes for Roker/Gautier. The schedule change would have reached Radnor before the 5/10 issue went to press.

We'll find out for sure when these episodes air.


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #472 on: April 03, 2022, 09:24:14 PM »

Someone on another forum alerted me to a potential news-related pre-emption on April 25 for coverage of the failed hostage rescue in Iran, which happened the previous evening DC time. This would have bumped Jack Carter and Meredith MacRae's last two episodes (#250-251) to 4/28-4/29, and Robert Mandan and Joan Prather's week (#253-256) forward by a day to 4/30, 5/2, 5/3-5/7 (with intervening Magazine and weekend), making Roxie Roker and Dick Gautier's week (#257-261) a 5-episode week from 5/8-5/9 and 5/12-5/14 (with an intervening weekend).

A bump would explain why TV Guide lists six episodes for Roker/Gautier. The schedule change would have reached Radnor before the 5/10 issue went to press.

We'll find out for sure when these episodes air.

I looked at the index of the Vanderbilt TV News Archive and they don't show times the reports aired, but they do have listings for 3 hours and 10 minutes of "Friday Morning" coverage. ("CBS Morning News" still had a one-hour slot before "Captain Kangaroo".) If I were a betting man I would say "Whew!" was pre-empted nationally and the episode bumped to the next day.


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #473 on: April 04, 2022, 09:32:44 AM »
Looking ahead to next Wednesday 4/6, episode 176 will be skipped.  It would have originally aired on January 9, 1980.

Just throwing it out there...
If 177 has a different champion to start, than whoever it was at the end of 175, that'll be a bit of a red flag.


To the guy who remembered seeing the original broadcast, how long did your winter break last? 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #474 on: April 04, 2022, 08:13:19 PM »
Looking ahead to next Wednesday 4/6, episode 176 will be skipped.  It would have originally aired on January 9, 1980.

Just throwing it out there...
If 177 has a different champion to start, than whoever it was at the end of 175, that'll be a bit of a red flag.


To the guy who remembered seeing the original broadcast, how long did your winter break last?

(Says the man who remembers watching the original broadcast...)

I don't remember how my winter break was scheduled back then. OR, as I have said before, I may have had a snow day when Stephen returned.  But what is for certain:

I saw his return, and Jay & Company did not just sneak him in with little fanfare --- far from it!!!

 That is all I will continue to say for now.

Bryce L.

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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #475 on: April 04, 2022, 08:18:02 PM »
Looking ahead to next Wednesday 4/6, episode 176 will be skipped.  It would have originally aired on January 9, 1980.

Just throwing it out there...
If 177 has a different champion to start, than whoever it was at the end of 175, that'll be a bit of a red flag.


To the guy who remembered seeing the original broadcast, how long did your winter break last?

(Says the man who remembers watching the original broadcast...)

I don't remember how my winter break was scheduled back then. OR, as I have said before, I may have had a snow day when Stephen returned.  But what is for certain:

I saw his return, and Jay & Company did not just sneak him in with little fanfare --- far from it!!!

 That is all I will continue to say for now.
This may be a bit much to ask, but do you remember if they uttered the name "blackie" in his return appearance? If they did, that would more than likely get it on the skips list now.


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #476 on: April 04, 2022, 09:25:37 PM »
I'm pretty sure that the nickname was mentioned at least once upon his return to the champion seat, picking up where he left off.

It would be a shame that Buzzr would skip the episode(s) that he appeared on post-injury instead of muting/editing out any references to his self-titled nickname.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2022, 10:00:31 PM by TimK2003 »


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #477 on: April 04, 2022, 09:41:52 PM »
I'm pretty sure that the nickname was mentioned at least once upon his return to the champion seat, picking up where he left off.

It would be a shame that Buzzr would skip the episodes that he appeared on post-injury instead of muting/editing out any references to his self-titled nickname.

Well yes, and....

Wait. EpisodeS?

EDIT: He appeared on more than one?  So he DIDN'T win his first re-attempt at the Gauntlet?
« Last Edit: April 05, 2022, 07:55:00 AM by JMFabiano »
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.

Bryce L.

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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #478 on: April 04, 2022, 11:28:42 PM »
Yeah, if BUZZR can mute the word "midget", they can mute this too.


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Re: Close calls....narrow escapes.....
« Reply #479 on: April 05, 2022, 08:05:46 AM »
Yeah, if BUZZR can mute the word "midget", they can mute this too.

Only now, they seem to be more about throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  Hence them skipping episodes altogether.

I guess people complaining about the muting out made them decide to not bother with airing the whole episode.  Kind of like how we didn't want credit crunches (they asked), so they cut out fee plugs instead.
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.