Here in Seattle, KOMO is still supporting Pyramid in this fashion:
During Northwest Afternoon (local 3 PM chat show), the hosts tell the audience to look for a particular question on the upcoming episode of syndie Millionaire at 4 PM. After noting the answer to that Millionaire question, viewers can call in at a certain commercial break during Pyramid (in the 4:30 half-hour); the nth caller with the correct answer wins $1000. The hope, of course, is that you'll tune in @ 3 for the chat show, paricipate in the contest while watching Meredith and Donny, and oh-by-the-way (he wrote, cynically), stay tuned for the news @ 5.
Esoteric Eric, who really appreciates those who post upcoming Pyramid celeb lists (so I can forget to tape it when it's Trading Spaces day (week?) )