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Author Topic: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?  (Read 9790 times)


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10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« on: October 20, 2021, 08:34:50 AM »
Any idea what was edited from the end-of-show post mortem given the odd place for a transition?  Was thinking an explanation for why 'DANCER' matches 'DANCE' but why edit that out?  Was thinking today maybe an announcement of the show's impending demise for "Santa Barbara" but the series didn't have an official end (at least nothing that was mentioned on-air I don't think).


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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2021, 10:46:19 AM »
Was it an NBC/original broadcast edit, or one BUZZR put in?  I ask because it didn't look smooth enough to be a recent edit.  My two guesses are the aforementioned Santa Barbara mention and another Rayburn rant like the one from the Woolery week, maybe related to the real lax judging on the head-to-head.

After seeing the end of last night's show, I wonder how much in advance they knew they were cancelled.  Gene said his usual "we'll see some of you in the future" line (to that extent), which is something awfully weird to say when the upcoming week is your last.


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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2021, 04:55:23 PM »

After seeing the end of last night's show, I wonder how much in advance they knew they were cancelled.  Gene said his usual "we'll see some of you in the future" line (to that extent), which is something awfully weird to say when the upcoming week is your last.
I caught an exchange on the Dangerfield MG question, makes me think too if they already knew the show's fate:

Marty: I could've had more fun on Dream House, Jon
Jon: Not anymore (chuckles)
Jimmie: Is that gone too?
Marty: They're all...(stops mid-sentence)

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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2021, 05:52:36 PM »

After seeing the end of last night's show, I wonder how much in advance they knew they were cancelled.  Gene said his usual "we'll see some of you in the future" line (to that extent), which is something awfully weird to say when the upcoming week is your last.
I caught an exchange on the Dangerfield MG question, makes me think too if they already knew the show's fate:

Marty: I could've had more fun on Dream House, Jon
Jon: Not anymore (chuckles)
Jimmie: Is that gone too?
Marty: They're all...(stops mid-sentence)

They had to have known the writing was on the wall for a good while. NBC announced they were developing Santa Barbara back in January and then announced in May that it was going in the 3PM Eastern time slot in late July, just in time for the Summer Olympics.
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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2021, 06:13:57 PM »

I caught an exchange on the Dangerfield MG question, makes me think too if they already knew the show's fate:

Marty: I could've had more fun on Dream House, Jon
Jon: Not anymore (chuckles)
Jimmie: Is that gone too?
Marty: They're all...(stops mid-sentence)


Yeesh, and one of the tie breaker answers was the (then) recently departed "(Hot) Potato"


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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2021, 09:41:24 PM »
Yeesh, and one of the tie breaker answers was the (then) recently departed "(Hot) Potato"
Of course "Hot Potato" was a common phrase before the show started, but I get the idea.

The Bill Cullen Archive notes Hot Potato's cancellation sounded unexpected (although it couldn't have been too unexpected, as it was mentioned on the final episode). Looking at my now out-of-commission website, NBC replaced it with reruns of Diff'rent Strokes, which they had pulled from daytime six months before. My first thought was NBC wanted to squeeze every ounce of life from the show it could before the reruns went into daily syndication that fall, but in looking at old listings, that didn't happen until a year later. Maybe someone at NBC decided unexpectedly the kids home from school would prefer "Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?" to a show where the format change didn't help much.


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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2021, 01:57:50 AM »
Gene opening the final week by saying to the audience after their hearty applause: "Thank you very much. We do thank you. You know, the way you reacted, you'd think the show was a hit, ha ha."


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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2021, 09:50:49 AM »
Was it an NBC/original broadcast edit, or one BUZZR put in?  I ask because it didn't look smooth enough to be a recent edit.  My two guesses are the aforementioned Santa Barbara mention and another Rayburn rant like the one from the Woolery week, maybe related to the real lax judging on the head-to-head.

After seeing the end of last night's show, I wonder how much in advance they knew they were cancelled.  Gene said his usual "we'll see some of you in the future" line (to that extent), which is something awfully weird to say when the upcoming week is your last.

Have they made reference to Santa Barbara?  I haven't watched lately. 

(I joked that the contestants who won the spot on an NBC soap in the Telephone Match contests would end up on SB...) 

And I'm not so sure as to Rayburn complaining about the format being grounds for editing or excluding episodes.  That one instance from the Woolery week made it on air in the original run (albeit not reran on Buzzr, though I don't think that's why, because...)

I think there were 1-2 other instances in the past few weeks where someone made reference to the manner of questioning in Goodson HS.  I believe Gene made one of such comments...though not as direct, he did say he couldn't decide which answer sounded correct.  And I remember someone else mentioning not having a bluff. 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.

Mr. Matté

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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2021, 11:21:14 AM »
If Buzzr was truly sensitive about the panelists making minor complaints about the show they were on, they definitely wouldn't have aired the Password Plus ep with George Peppard's rants about NBC's S&P, which NBC itself did not air first run.


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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2021, 12:42:41 PM »

I caught an exchange on the Dangerfield MG question, makes me think too if they already knew the show's fate:

Marty: I could've had more fun on Dream House, Jon
Jon: Not anymore (chuckles)
Jimmie: Is that gone too?
Marty: They're all...(stops mid-sentence)


Yeesh, and one of the tie breaker answers was the (then) recently departed "(Hot) Potato"

Yeesh, and one of the tie breaker answers was the (then) recently departed "(Hot) Potato"

The Bill Cullen Archive notes Hot Potato's cancellation sounded unexpected (although it couldn't have been too unexpected, as it was mentioned on the final episode). Looking at my now out-of-commission website, NBC replaced it with reruns of Diff'rent Strokes, which they had pulled from daytime six months before. My first thought was NBC wanted to squeeze every ounce of life from the show it could before the reruns went into daily syndication that fall, but in looking at old listings, that didn't happen until a year later. Maybe someone at NBC decided unexpectedly the kids home from school would prefer "Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?" to a show where the format change didn't help much.

Must have been something in the game show water at NBC Burbank -- There seemed to be bitterness of various degrees on the final week of Celebrity Hot Potato as well.

Jimmy Owen

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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2021, 03:30:18 PM »

I caught an exchange on the Dangerfield MG question, makes me think too if they already knew the show's fate:

Marty: I could've had more fun on Dream House, Jon
Jon: Not anymore (chuckles)
Jimmie: Is that gone too?
Marty: They're all...(stops mid-sentence)


Yeesh, and one of the tie breaker answers was the (then) recently departed "(Hot) Potato"

Yeesh, and one of the tie breaker answers was the (then) recently departed "(Hot) Potato"

The Bill Cullen Archive notes Hot Potato's cancellation sounded unexpected (although it couldn't have been too unexpected, as it was mentioned on the final episode). Looking at my now out-of-commission website, NBC replaced it with reruns of Diff'rent Strokes, which they had pulled from daytime six months before. My first thought was NBC wanted to squeeze every ounce of life from the show it could before the reruns went into daily syndication that fall, but in looking at old listings, that didn't happen until a year later. Maybe someone at NBC decided unexpectedly the kids home from school would prefer "Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?" to a show where the format change didn't help much.

Must have been something in the game show water at NBC Burbank -- There seemed to be bitterness of various degrees on the final week of Celebrity Hot Potato as well.
By that date, weren't  Bill  and the rest of B&E prepping for a new season of TJW?
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Re: 10/18 MGHS odd place for an edit?
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2021, 02:34:08 AM »
By that date, weren't  Bill  and the rest of B&E prepping for a new season of TJW?
They were also dealing with the death of Jack Barry around that time. That and the cancellation of Hot Potato was probably a 1-2 punch that caused a few emotions to bubble onto the set.