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Author Topic: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021  (Read 9187 times)


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GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« on: December 14, 2021, 08:26:47 PM »
Yep, they're doing it again, starting Tuesday morning 12/21 (3AM/3:30 ET).  Only have info for the first week through their website.


Lena Horne (either 9/27/51 or 3/2/58)
Harry Belafonte and California Governor Edmund G. "Pat" Brown (11/16/58)
Jack Lemmon (TBD--he did several Mystery Guest appearances)
Bob Newhart (2/4/62)
George Segal (12/11/66)

Following week TBA (unless someone here has more info)


Kim Novak (4/9/62)
Arlene Francis
Jane Powell
Ray Bolger
Carol Burnett (all TBD, since all made multiple appearances)

Following week TBA (ditto)
"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2021, 11:31:47 PM »

Lena Horne (3/2/58)
Harry Belafonte and California Governor Edmund G. "Pat" Brown (11/16/58)
Jack Lemmon (4/10/60)
Bob Newhart (2/4/62)
George Segal (12/11/66)


Kim Novak (4/9/62)
Arlene Francis (5/21/62)
Jane Powell (10/29/62)
Ray Bolger (12/10/62)
Carol Burnett (3/18/63)

Filled in the missing airdates (viewing the source code of GSN's schedule page shows a plethora of information, including contestants' full names and hometowns for nearly all of their shows.)

All it's showing so far for the following week is Monday night. WML? is a Bruner episode with Steve Allen as the mystery guest and Hal Holbrook on the panel. Such a combination doesn't show up on any of the episode guides, so I don't know when it's from. IGAS is the one from 10/7/63 with James Garner.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 11:57:01 PM by snowpeck »
Co-owner, The Daytime TV Schedule Archive
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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2021, 04:56:14 PM »
The following Tuesday is a Blyden episode with Betty White as mystery guest, and a note on the schedule page that says "very good segment." It appears to be episode 1754 from 1972. IGAS is 5/25/64 with the Smothers Brothers.
Co-owner, The Daytime TV Schedule Archive
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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2021, 03:28:17 PM »
Is there ever been a reason for GSN to do this every year?  It just seems so bizarre they air these classic games once a year, and burn them in a not-even-PST-friendly time.
Not a complaint, just wondering.
When you're at the grocery game and you hear the beep, think of all the fun you could have at "Crazy Rachel's Checkout Counter!"

Chelsea Thrasher

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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2021, 07:47:48 PM »
Is there ever been a reason for GSN to do this every year?  It just seems so bizarre they air these classic games once a year, and burn them in a not-even-PST-friendly time.
Not a complaint, just wondering.

In the decade-plus they've been doing this, I don't remember anyone ever asking why before?  Back when it started I think it might've been assumed to be some sort of special holiday stunt, but the GSN that would do something like that is at least 3-4 years dead. With every passing year it smacks more of obligation than choice, and special programming stunts just aren't handled the way GSN doesn't handle it (they just do it, and it's clear someone is putting thought into episode selection, but the rest of the network just ignores that hour and it's not even promoted)

They let their G-T library license lapse in 2009 and the two series have never turned up on the schedule save these holiday weeks.

Just thinking out loud, I know I remember reading something once upon a time, I wanna say it might have been in a Garry Moore related bio article, that at one point CBS (and possibly Garry Moore himself) had some degree of interest or holding in the shows. Definitely would not be unique for series that pre-date the quiz scandals especially.  Depending on how the contract was set up, it wouldn't be unprecedented that Fremantle's control of the two series is somehow tied to GSN airing the shows, a deal that probably would have been set up either during the time when GSN was going to be a Goodson-Sony joint venture or shortly thereafter in the run to the network launch. There are far weirder contract clauses and legal agreements in this biz - if you doubt it, tune into Freeform to watch 700 Club sometime.

If true, it's likely GSN gets something out of the deal for holding up their part of the bargain after all these years. Match Game increasingly doesn't fit the way the channel is scheduled, unless they're getting it free - GSN not wanting to pay to license anything (episodes OR formats) is their modern era M.O.. Feud with Harvey's probably a traditional license, but again, stranger things have happened.  (Alt: GSN has to, same origin story, and doesn't have a choice in the matter either per their legal)

(tl;dr) JUST a guess, half speculative and half thought, but I genuinely think there might be a contractual obligation in play for Fremantle, and GSN may or may not be getting something (or saving something) in exchange for doing it. Definitely feels more contractual obligation than programming stunt though, especially in a post-Buzzr GSN.


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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2021, 08:37:04 PM »
Just thinking out loud, I know I remember reading something once upon a time, I wanna say it might have been in a Garry Moore related bio article, that at one point CBS (and possibly Garry Moore himself) had some degree of interest or holding in the shows.
From Gil Fates' book: "In 1957 CBS bought [What's My Line?] outright and then hired the Goodson-Todman organization to continue to produce it. In 1969, in a manner too involved to detail here, the rights to the program passed to Garry Moore's Redwing Productions. In 1971, Redwing sold all of its assets to a conglomerate. If after reading the following pages anybody gets a hankering to revive What's My Line? on television, he will have to negotiate for the rights with Beatrice Foods, Inc., the people who also bring you Stiffel lamps, Samsonite luggage, and Dannon yogurt."


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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2021, 08:44:25 PM »
Here's the full schedule for week two:

What's My Line?
12/28: Bruner episode with mystery guest Steve Allen, Hal Holbrook on panel (unknown date)
12/29: Blyden episode with mystery guest Betty White (1972)
12/30: Blyden episode with mystery guest Peter Marshall (1973?)
12/31: Blyden episode with mystery guest Cicely Tyson (1973)
1/1: Blyden episode with mystery guest Christopher Plummer (1974)

12/28: James Garner (10/7/63)
12/29: The Smothers Brothers and famous relatives (5/25/64)
12/30: George Hamilton (5/17/65)
12/31: Louis Armstrong (12/27/65)
1/1: Kaye Ballard (1972)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2021, 09:06:30 PM by snowpeck »
Co-owner, The Daytime TV Schedule Archive
My website: http://www.gregbrobeck.net
My board game collection: http://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/snowpeck (recently passed the 100 mark!)


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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2021, 07:19:34 PM »
(tl;dr) JUST a guess, half speculative and half thought, but I genuinely think there might be a contractual obligation in play for Fremantle, and GSN may or may not be getting something (or saving something) in exchange for doing it. Definitely feels more contractual obligation than programming stunt though, especially in a post-Buzzr GSN.
This is what I was thinking too.  Fremantle might be selecting the shows since they change every year (and the noted "very good segment" on an episode)?
When you're at the grocery game and you hear the beep, think of all the fun you could have at "Crazy Rachel's Checkout Counter!"

Chelsea Thrasher

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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2021, 07:56:09 PM »
This is what I was thinking too.  Fremantle might be selecting the shows since they change every year (and the noted "very good segment" on an episode)?

Nah. Don't think there's THAT much effort involved.  If David Schwartz is around wouldn't surprise me if it's him or equivalent. And GSN's library likely would have copious notes for logging, marathons, promotions from back in the day when these shows were being aired - the metadata probably just made it into whatever system powers their website's scheduling grid
« Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 10:45:30 PM by Chelsea Thrasher »

Adam Nedeff

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Re: GSN's Annual WML/IGAS Holiday Block 2021
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2021, 11:44:16 PM »
If David Schwartz is around wouldn't surprise me if it's him or equivalent.