Looks like it's available for "borrowing" at the Internet Archive:https://archive.org/details/syndicatedtelevi0000eric
Although he found the first season of The Simpsons to be of "off-and-on quality," Erickson wrote, "By season three ... Simpsons was one the best sitcoms of any kind, live or cartoon." He did, however, sense that "the writing had slackened a bit by 1993, leaning towards recycling what had worked in past episodes and pursuing too many gags beyond their worth." In other words, he was a typical early Simpsons fan.
During the late 70s and early 80s the proliferation of affiliates pre empting 12 noon and 4 pm shows grew. Slightly later the pre-noon slots save for Price were also often pre empted or shifted to independent stations with smaller audiences. So these episodes had never aired in many cities and ad syndication they offered stations the chance to sell more local spots than they’d have by carrying
Goodson was a master salesman who split the market to his advantage whenever possible. He spread many of his properties across different distributors both to leverage them Against each other as well as to have inside knowledge of who did what how and how he could use that knowledge to his benefit.