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Author Topic: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)  (Read 8628 times)


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BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« on: January 17, 2022, 08:23:35 AM »
Would anyone here know what the original air dates are for the shows airing in today's of the chronological Betty White marathon (1/17/22...what would've been her 100th birthday)? I think someone posted it elsewhere on the forum, but I can't seem to find it.

Big thank you in advance for someone who can track it down for me!

Bryce L.

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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2022, 09:36:53 AM »
8:00am - Make The Connection 55_0006 - Celebrity guest: Buster Keaton (original airdate 8/18/1955)
8:40am - Make The Connection 55_0010 - Celebrity guests: Giselle MacKenzie & golfer Sam Snead (original airdate 9/15/1955)
9:20am - To Tell The Truth 59_0005 (original airdate 2/3/1959)
10:00am - Password 63_0059 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Shelley Berman (original airdate 2/17/1963)
10:40am - What's My Line? 63_0024 - Mystery guests: Allen Ludden & Betty White (original airdate 6/23/1963)
11:20am - Password 64_0125 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Paul Anka (original airdate 5/28/1964)
12:00pm - What's My Line? 72_1754 - Mystery guest: Betty White
12:30pm - I've Got a Secret 72_0007 - Guest: Milton Berle
1:00pm - Tattletales 77_0981
1:30pm - Tattletales 77_0982
2:00pm - Match Game 79_1421 (original airdate 3/26/1979)
2:30pm - Match Game 79_1422 (original airdate 3/27/1979)
3:00pm - Whew! 80_0224 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Richard Kline (original airdate 3/19/1980)
3:30pm - Whew! 80_0225 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Richard Kline (original airdate 3/20/1980)
4:00pm - Trivia Trap 84_0046 - Celebrity Triva Trap (original airdate 11/19/1984)
4:30pm - Trivia Trap 84_0047 - Celebrity Triva Trap (original airdate 11/20/1984)
5:00pm - Super Password 89_1147 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Christopher Hewett (original airdate 3/20/1989)
5:30pm - Super Password 89_1149 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Christopher Hewett (original airdate 3/22/1989)
6:00pm - Super Password 89_1150 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Christopher Hewett (original airdate 3/23/1989)
6:30pm - Super Password 89_1151 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Christopher Hewett (original airdate 3/24/1989)
7:00pm - To Tell The Truth 90_0061 (original airdate 11/26/1990)
7:30pm - To Tell The Truth 90_0062 (original airdate 11/27/1990)
8:00pm - To Tell The Truth 16_0101 (original airdate 6/14/2016)
9:00pm - To Tell The Truth 16_0102 (original airdate 6/21/2016)
10:00pm - To Tell The Truth 67_1419 (original airdate 11/23/1967)
10:30pm - To Tell The Truth 68_1564 (original airdate 6/13/1968)

Don't have enough concrete info about the Tattletales ones to nail airdates to those, and I'm making an educated guess on the Whew! shows, but they should be fairly close.


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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2022, 08:40:22 PM »
I'm guessing observations about the marathon are okay to put here.

I haven't seen Celebrity Whew in awhile....having done so, the main caveat is leaving half your fate to another person now.  Rest of the show is quality as always.  I got a fellow GS fan who didn't know of the show to get into it when I reminded him about the marathon.

Wonder why neither of her Million Dollar Password episodes were on the PW day of the tribute, as it were? 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2022, 07:31:09 AM »
I hadn't seen the TTTT 67_1419 and thought it was a gem.  I kept waiting for Betty, and then there she was.  (not spoiling for anyone who hasn't seen it yet).


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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2022, 08:24:26 AM »
Wonder why neither of her Million Dollar Password episodes were on the PW day of the tribute, as it were?
Speculation I shared with some board members...

I have noticed a trend that whenever BUZZR airs something in a special, non-normal manner like Lost and Found and the like, those shows are out of the rotation.  Examples of shows which haven't rerun on BUZZR for this reason are episodes 2-5 of MGHS, the MGHS from St. Elsewhere week which aired during Lost and Found in 2019, episodes 1, 2, and 4-7 of Whew!, and episode 127 of Whew! which was on Lost and Found this past September.  Did Betty's MDP air on Saturday nights over this past summer?  If so, there might be your reason.

Echoing Chris, the TTTTs from the late 60s were a nice treat, particularly the 1967 episode.  Same with presumably the strongest 4/5 of the final week of Super Password.


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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2022, 10:31:04 AM »
Wonder why neither of her Million Dollar Password episodes were on the PW day of the tribute, as it were?
Speculation I shared with some board members...

I have noticed a trend that whenever BUZZR airs something in a special, non-normal manner like Lost and Found and the like, those shows are out of the rotation.  Examples of shows which haven't rerun on BUZZR for this reason are episodes 2-5 of MGHS, the MGHS from St. Elsewhere week which aired during Lost and Found in 2019, episodes 1, 2, and 4-7 of Whew!, and episode 127 of Whew! which was on Lost and Found this past September.  Did Betty's MDP air on Saturday nights over this past summer?  If so, there might be your reason.

Echoing Chris, the TTTTs from the late 60s were a nice treat, particularly the 1967 episode.  Same with presumably the strongest 4/5 of the final week of Super Password.

It's possible. I forgot that MDPW was in the weekend rotation for awhile.  Still, would have been a nice addition to remind viewers that BW did do every version of Password (well, the ones they have the tapes to...)

And the first week of MG/HS WAS in regular rotation at least once.  Barring the premiere of course, and there's been speculation as to why.  Besides the marathon thing, those eps. threw off the commercial timing for Buzzr since they kept all the fee plugs intact. 

Back to Celebrity Whew! ...another question or two...

1) I don't think they did it on the eps. in the marathon, but were there any switching partners rules like between games/rounds?

2) Were the teams allowed any time to discuss strategy off camera or otherwise?  I am thinking particularly with blocking. 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.

Bryce L.

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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2022, 10:35:17 AM »
Back to Celebrity Whew! ...another question or two...

1) I don't think they did it on the eps. in the marathon, but were there any switching partners rules like between games/rounds?
As best as I could tell, the only time you'd switch partners was between matches.


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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2022, 11:26:51 AM »
Back to Celebrity Whew! ...another question or two...

1) I don't think they did it on the eps. in the marathon, but were there any switching partners rules like between games/rounds?
As best as I could tell, the only time you'd switch partners was between matches.

Aha.  Probably hard to tell as I only saw the first episode and well, someone won the $25,000 and they ended mid-game in the second half.  So like pre-1981 Password Plus, then.

On another note, TTTT90 was extremely well done despite its problems and def. belongs somewhere on the schedule, probably weekends.  (I can see that and MG90 somewhere on Sat and/or Sun) 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.

Bryce L.

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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2022, 11:34:58 AM »
So like pre-1981 Password Plus, then.

On another note, TTTT90 was extremely well done despite its problems and def. belongs somewhere on the schedule, probably weekends.
Seconded. Could probably replace the Sunday afternoon MGHS, if they ever decide to ditch that.


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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2022, 12:01:35 PM »
Could I trouble someone to repost the Password day of the tribute's schedule? 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.

Bryce L.

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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2022, 12:23:53 PM »
10:30am - Password 67_0273 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & George Grizzard (original airdate 4/5/1967)
11:00am - Password 67_0274 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & George Grizzard (original airdate 4/6/1967)
11:30am - Password 67_0371 - "Tournament of Champions." Celebrity guests: Betty White & Frank Gifford. (original airdate 6/12/1967)
12:00pm - Password 67_0372 - "Tournament of Champions." Celebrity guests: Betty White & Frank Gifford. (original airdate 6/13/1967)
12:30pm - Password 67_0373 - "Tournament of Champions." Celebrity guests: Betty White & Frank Gifford. (original airdate 6/14/1967)
1:00pm - Password Plus 79_0021 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Dick Martin (original airdate 2/5/1979)
1:30pm - Password Plus 79_0025 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Dick Martin (original airdate 2/9/1979)
2:00pm - Password Plus 79_0041 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Robert Pine (original airdate 3/5/1979)
2:30pm - Password Plus 79_0042 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Robert Pine (original airdate 3/6/1979)
3:00pm - Password Plus 79_0096 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & John Phillip Law (original airdate 5/21/1979)
3:30pm - Password Plus 79_0098 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & John Phillip Law (original airdate 5/23/1979)
4:00pm - Password Plus 79_0202 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Joanna Gleason (original airdate 10/15/1979)
4:30pm - Password Plus 79_0203 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Joanna Gleason (original airdate 10/16/1979)
5:00pm - Password Plus 80_0269 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Greg Morris (original airdate 1/17/1980)
5:30pm - Password Plus 80_0270 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Greg Morris (original airdate 1/18/1980)
6:00pm - Password Plus 80_0447 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Gene Rayburn (original airdate 9/25/1980) [N]
6:30pm - Password Plus 80_0448 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Gene Rayburn (original airdate 9/26/1980) [N]
7:00pm - Super Password 85_0180 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Vicki Lawrence (original airdate 6/4/1985)
7:30pm - Super Password 85_0181 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Vicki Lawrence (original airdate 6/5/1985)
8:00pm - Super Password 86_0578 - "All Star Special with guests Lucille Ball, Betty White, Ann Dusenberry, Estelle Getty" (original airdate 1/15/1987)
8:30pm - Super Password 86_0579 - "All Star Special with guests Lucille Ball, Betty White, Ann Dusenberry, Estelle Getty" (original airdate 1/16/1987)
9:00pm - Super Password 86_0338 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Richard Simmons (original airdate 1/14/1986) [N]
9:30pm - Super Password 86_0339 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Richard Simmons (original airdate 1/15/1986) [N]
10:00pm - Super Password 86_0340 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Richard Simmons (original airdate 1/16/1986) [N]
10:30pm - Super Password 86_0341 - Celebrity guests: Betty White & Richard Simmons (original airdate 1/17/1986) [N]

[N] = New-to-BUZZR.


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Re: BUZZR's Betty White tribute schedule (1/17/22)
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2022, 12:52:53 PM »
Many thanks for the above! 

I'm somewhat surprised that no one has found occasion to run the outtake PW+ episode  on Buzzr yet. 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.