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Author Topic: Price is Right recent showcase prices  (Read 1579 times)

Ian Wallis

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Price is Right recent showcase prices
« on: January 28, 2022, 08:58:59 PM »
I've noticed in the past couple of weeks there were a couple of showcases on The Price is Right that ended with "00".  For example, earlier this week one of the showcases came to $22,800. 

Seems odd that kind of thing would happen twice in such short order.  It would seem the odds of another perfect bid are higher when they have one like that.
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That Don Guy

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Re: Price is Right recent showcase prices
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2022, 01:21:44 PM »
There has only been one showcase in January with a price ending in 00. On the other hand, there have been showcases ending in both 999 and 998.

Spoiler Alert:
Wednesday's episode will have a Double Showcase Winner. That's because it's a repeat - the best guess is, they taped an episode with a Grammys showcase that they were going to air on Monday ("The Grammys, tonight on CBS!") before the Grammys were moved to April 3, so they moved the Tuesday and Wednesday episodes to one day earlier for whatever reason; presumably, the Grammys episode will air either Thursday 3/31 or Friday 4/1 (with an edit to change "tonight on CBS" to "this Sunday on CBS"), depending on whether or not they want a dedicated April Fools Day episode on 4/1.