Recently, I’ve been on a Password binge (I think that new masthead of ours is subliminal advertising) and it inspired me to come up with a list of clue giving subtleties and hints that were used quite a bit on either the classic or Plus/Super versions of the show. For example:
*Using proper nouns for clues (Ex. If the password was “Tissue”, you could get away with saying “Kleenex”).
*If it's an opposite, a stretched out vocal inflection can come in handy (Ex. If the password was “Out”, you could say “Innnnnnnnnnn…”). In the Plus/Super versions, this also worked when trying to get a surname. (Ex. If the password was “Reagan”, you could say “Ronallllllllllld…”).
*They say "Don't say charades", yet they sometimes let that rule slide (especially in the classic edition).
How many others can you think of?