Back in the Good Old Days, game shows used to record (and mostly aired) sequentially. Uncle Bill would mention the day of the week, and hosts would joke about "yesterday," even though we all knew several episodes were recorded at once.
But at some point (in the '00s?), many shows started recording just segments, rearranging them in post-production for maximum dramatic effect. The giveaway usually is that the host wears the exact same outfit in every episode. This originally landed on my radar with the beginning of The Cube, but it's grown considerably since then. And on the just-completed S01 of Limitless Win, the producers clearly arranged contestants so there would be a big win in the first episode, and a dramatic loss in the final episode.
It was nice when nobody knew when a dry spell would end on Whew!, for instance. But I'm sure ratings are a big factor, as shows no longer are given time to breathe and grow -- they have to deliver (key-demographic) viewers, and fast, or it's fabulous parting gifts for the producers.
I'm interested in some discussion of how production/editing has changed to deal with the take-no-prisoners marketplace.